Dreams that feature farewells or final goodbyes tend to have the same significance as dreams of bereavement.
If you were saying goodbye to someone in your dream, ask yourself if that relationship is coming to an end, at risk of coming to an end or whether you need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life that you connect with that person. Dreams in which a loved one recedes into the distance and eventually disappears from sight suggest feelings of grief mixed with resentment. On the other hand, dreams in which a loved one waves goodbye happily from a distance suggest you are reconciling yourself to the reality of your loss.
[1]It always indicates the desire to make a major change in the dreamer’s life. Attention must be paid to the feeling that it produces. It may be nice to release old moorings and take a new direction; or it may be a painful farewell. When you say goodbye to yourself in dreams, the unconscious is reminding you of the need to move away from something or someone that hurts you, when you are reluctant to leave.
[2]To dream of bidding farewell, is not very favorable, as you are likely to hear unpleasant news of absent friends.
For a young woman to bid her lover farewell, portends his indifference to her.
If she feels no sadness in this farewell, she will soon find others to comfort her.
[3]The omen depends on the circumstances.
If you said good-bye to someone known to you, it signifies a coming break in a close relationship; if you said it to a stranger, it predicts a new friend; if someone said it to you, the forecast is of a change of residence or position.
[4]A maiden who bids farewell to her lover will find very shortly that he will show growing indifference.
If in this farewell she is indifferent to its significance and takes it as a matter of course, it is a sign that she will find another comforter ere long.
[5]1. A need to tone things down, control emotions and excitement regarding situations (to be bidden farewell).
2. New acquaintances, possible friendships are in the offing.
3. A feeling that bad news is on the way.
[6]To dream of bidding friends farewell denotes a change in business (Gypsy). Evidently a dream from the subconsciousness.
[7]It is generally considered a good sign to dream of bidding good-bye to anyone.
[8]See Also: Good Bye.
[9]The suggested element contained in bidding farewell in a dream entails ultimate comfort. Wishing someone the best at parting means loss of status or job, divorce, death of a sick person, breaking of a partnership, loss in business, migrating from one country to another, or in general it could mean the reversal of one’s conditions. On the other hand, it is said that bidding farewell in a dream also means marriage reconciliation, or the changing of one’s conditions for the better.