As a carnival ride, the ferris wheel relates to brief moments of escapism and a desire to change things up in your life.
The specific nature of this particular ride is about rising to higher vantage points, but the repetitive nature suggests that it doesn’t offer anything of true substance.
If you get stuck in such a ride, you may be dreaming of a desire to see further without doing the real work to expand your consciousness.
The ferris wheel is usually the most visible element of a fair that can be seen from a distance. In this way, it can be a symbol of joy and playfulness that is available for you to enjoy.
[1]The Ferris wheel could be symbolic of the “circle of life.” It may represent the ups and downs of life that create the total life experience.
The circle is one of the most important dream symbols. It points to the center of personality and our being that in turn brings up issues of completeness and wholeness in our lives. Since the Ferris wheel is associated with fun and excitement, this dream may be an encouragement for the dreamer to “lighten up,” see the larger picture, and possibly develop a more positive attitude.
[2]Fun or participation (or a desire for more of it).
Having or wanting a new perspective or change of pace.
Ability to see the “big picture.” The idea of going around and around (such as circular logic or a feeling of “getting nowhere”).
Repeated chances (such as to resolve an issue, or to notice or understand something).
Being stuck on a Ferris wheel might represent feeling stranded, or being stuck in a never-ending situation or cycle.
See Also: Ride, Merry-Go-Round, Amusement Park, Festival or Carnival
[3]Dreams of a Ferris Wheel represent joy, fun, celebration, repetition and the cycles of life. You are going around in circles; perhaps you are stuck in the past, or trying to recreate and relive an enjoyable time from your history.
See Also: Wheel, Wheel of Fortune, Carnival.
[4]Dreams of ferris wheels foretells an approaching change of conditions which may not seem pleasant at first, but will be positive in the long run.
[5]Symbolic of doing the same things over and over