Vision: Casting a fishing rod: you long for a partner. Catching a fish in clear waters: good luck and success in an important matter.
If somebody is throwing his fishing rod at you: pay attention, a deceptive person is in your life. Fishing at the shore of a calm lake: your emotional balance will soon be restored. Watching others as they fish: there will be an opportunity to make new friends.
Depth Psychology: If you are fishing: your emotional balance will soon be restored. Catching a fish: good luck is right around the corner.
[1](1) This may symbolize bringing up contents of the unconscious into consciousness.
(2) Are you the fish being caught in a fisherman’s net? This may mean a promise of ‘salvation5; that there is some energy source working for
your good. (In Western Christendom the font was called the ‘piscina’ - fish-pond; those baptized in it were fishes caught in Christ’s net.)
(3) Are you trying to catch a small round fish? Jung would say this means you have begun to look for your true self.
[2]Seeking (or being open to) ideas, opinions, advice, opportunities, new experiences, relationships, or something else.
Trying to find or catch something.
Offering an incentive or enticement.
An attempt to feel more powerful by dominating those you consider less powerful.
A perceived disregard for life or insensitivity to others.
See Also: Fish, Hunting, Searching, Catching Something, Caught, Being, Breakwater
[3]To dream that you are fishing, indicates that you are bringing your repressed emotions to the surface. In particular, to dream that you are ice fishing, suggests that you are breaking through a hardened emotional barrier and confronting difficult feelings from your unconscious. Consider also, the common phrase “fishing for compliments”. Also see “Fish Hook”, “Fishing Rod” and “Fishing Wire,” below.
[4]Repressed aggression, or too little aggression, as in: Attack, Surf, Fire, Flames, Violence, Greed, and Wire (High-Tension). Feelings of inferiority, repression, as in Termination, Attack, Harem, Skin Rash, and Prostitute. Fear of war or aggression, but also desperate search for physical or personal closeness.
Folklore: A warning.
[5]Fishing may represent retrieving the wealth within the subconscious. It may mention the need to be sritl and just wait for business prospects to bite the line. Once they do, you can reel in the rewards. Fishing can refect a contemplative experience in which you leam the power and serenity of Zen meditative thinking
[6]If your dream involves the act of fishing, there is an entirely different interpretation to consider.
The act of fishing is the search for an idea that matches a particular desire.
The process requires the proper tools, an element of attraction (bait), and the most important ingredient—patience.
(See Also: Fish.)
[7]1. Deep emotions are brought to the surface.
2. Loss of friendship or disappointment in the offing.
3. Ability to catch an idea or concept.
4. A need or desire to relax.
[8]Attempting to “catch” the desires of one’s heart, i.E.
A salesman seeking clients, a minister winning souls
[9]See Also: FISH, also ANGLING.
[10]To dream you are fishing is a sure sign of sorrow and trouble. If you catch any fish, you will be successful in love and business; if you catch none, vou will never marry your present sweetheart, nor succeed in vour present undertakings; if they slip out of your hands after yon have caught them, the person you marry will be of a roving disposition, and some pretended friend will deceive you.
[11]lucky numbers: 09-12-29-35-39-47
angling: your ingenuity is needed to attain your ambition.
bait: are manipulating another to initiate the plan you want.
fishhook, putting on a: wil love those involved in a family dispute, to your opportunity.
others putting out: disappointment with the advice you have given.
canal, in a: wil realize high ambitions.
pond: must rely on own good judgment.
river: downstream, ideas can now be put into action.
sea, the: be on the lookout over new horizons for treachery.
catching a fish: success for something recently begun.
and it getting away: expect to find something you mislaid.
but not: enemies cause risk to your health.
flounder, a: your project wil flip-flop.
in your hands: are wasting your talents.
small: ruin in proportion to size of fish.
throwing it back: money wil come to you another way.
deep-sea: wil be alone and annoyed with interesting news.
enemies: your efforts to gain wealth wil be stifled at every turn.
fisherman, of a: needs enlightenment for your properly employed emotions.
being a: emotions are not being properly employed.
in the company of a: unexpected fortune wil take years to absorb.
many: a large measure of prosperity awaits.
fishmonger, being a: can count on everyone’s trust and support for new venture.
scale, weighing in a: are short on initiative and bore those at work.
unloading: mistake cannot be put right without major sacrifices.
harpooning: increased earning capacity enlarges home.
nets, with: wil do business with a smart woman.
pearls: are in over your head with details.
rock from a, extracting a: wil do anything for a compliment.
rod, a: your solution fol ows a circuitous route; keep fishing.
casting a: someone is attracted to you from afar.
throwing a: a close person is deceiving you; search for your own deceit within.
tackle: wil discover lost valuables on your hook.
telling others of going: they wil gossip about you.
trident, spearing a fish with a: wil be sincerely loved in body, mind and spirit.
[12]Fishing in a dream means womanizing.
(See Also: Hunter)