A New York psychoanalyst, who stands between Jung and Freud in his view of dreams. In his book about dreams, The Forgotten Language, he says they express both the wisdom and spirituality that transcends waking thought.
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
A New York psychoanalyst, who stands between Jung and Freud in his view of dreams. In his book about dreams, The Forgotten Language, he says they express both the wisdom and spirituality that transcends waking thought.
[1]When Freud, as a qualified doctor and neurologist, became interested in psychology, it was still a branch of philosophy. He gave to it a geography of the human mind, showed the inf...
Learn more about the meaning of Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)Son of a pastor, his paternal grandfather and great grandfather were physicians. He took a degree in medicine at the University of Basle, then specialised in psychiatry. In early p...
Learn more about the meaning of Jung, Carl (1875-1961)Something is coming your way. Or pay attention to business and make fast decisions. Wanting to own something of worth (usually art or antiques) in bad economic times. According to ...
Learn more about the meaning of AuctionGetting something through one’s own efforts and trouble.A state of “Have-Mode,” according to Fromm, as in Auction, Stock Market, Attache Case....
Learn more about the meaning of Booty / LootRisky business; you are speculating about something where the outcome is unsure. 44 Have - Mode” according to Fromm, as in: Auction, Loot, Attache Case, Shares; usually refers to...
Learn more about the meaning of Stock Market