(See Also: by type, Crystals, Jewelry, Stones)
Something precious, to be cared for and guarded with due diligence.
The gem of truth. Facts revealing themselves.
Commitments and devotion. Precious gems, especially diamonds, are exchanged as part of engagement or wedding rites.
In a ring: Authority. Popes, kings, and other authority figures often wear gold rings mounted with precious gems as a sign of office.
Metaphysically: Assisted health, protection, or improved personal characteristics. People in nearly every ancient culture carried or wore precious gems as amulets, charms, and talismans for a variety of positive purposes.
Each precious or semiprecious gem carries different meanings within a dream. Amber equates to feeling trapped, diamonds are for love, emeralds represent resourcefulness, and garnets portend the end to a period of questioning. Additionally, jade indicates health, moonstone stands for foresight and all things feminine, opal represents financial
situations, ruby is a type of fire dream, and sapphire shows faithfulness on your part.
For more ideas along these lines, try reading my book Folkways or any book that includes the lore of gems.
Faceted gems represent different aspects in something or someone, including the Divine and yourself.
[1]Gems and minerals, as expressions of beauty and radiance. bring a list of attributes to the dreamer when unearthed within a dream. They may appear as a piece of jewelry or in a raw form to bring essential qualities of light and radiance to the individual who receives, finds, or wears them. Many of these specimens from the mineral kingdom bnng healing qualities that attune and balance the mind, emotions, and body Their appearance in a dream represents your direct connection with the Lower World kingdom of minerals. Gems deliver the gift of healing energy and power.
(See Also: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby.)
[2]To dream of real gems is a good sign in financial and love affairs.
If the gems are imitation, or in bad condition, or in unusual surroundings, ill luck is likely to follow.
[3]To dream of gems, foretells a happy fate both in love and business affairs.
See Also: Jewelry.
[4]Jewels are not favourable omens in a dream, nor is any excessive display of luxury.
[5]Of great value, spiritual or material; research individual type and color
[6]Things of high value (may be spiritual or material) 1 Cor. 3:12
[7]A dream forecasting a rise in social position (Gypsy).
[8]See Also: Jewelry.
[9](Jewel, Son.
See Also: Counting gems, Carnelian-red, Sapphire, Zircon)