If you dream of your genitals, this most likely represents your feelings and attitudes towards sex, and towards your femininity or masculinity. To see an exceptionally large or small penis suggests doubts and anxieties about your sexual drive and libido. For a man, a penis represents not just sex, but the whole drive of life, and his self-expression and capability in the world. In a woman’s dream, the penis represents desire for a partner as well as a relationship to socalled male characteristics, such as ambition and aggression.
If the penis is bleeding, this suggests emotional hurts that are inhibiting libido and self- expression. Testicles in a dream depict the male sexual drive, so loss of testicles, or small testicles in a man’s dream, could suggest anxiety about sexual performance with a woman. In a woman’s dream, testicles could indicate her feelings about sex with a man or what she is doing to the man in herself.
Dreams of a vagina are more to do with self-image. In a woman’s dream, a vagina represents her receptivity, her nurturing feelings, her desire for a mate and the sense of connection with other women. In a man’s dream, it highlights his need to thrust forward both physically and mentally.
If the vagina is bleeding, this suggests fears about sexuality and femininity.
See Also: SEX.
[1]This is a rather straightforward indication of your sexual attitudes and/or feelings, as follows:
To dream of your own or other sex organs being healthily normal signifies a satisfactory love life.
A dream of diseased sex organs is telling you that you are either overdoing it or being dangerously promiscuous.
Deformed sex organs in a dream are another form of warning against over- indulgence.
Unusual sex organs are a sign of underindulgence and a little initiative might be a good idea.
A dream which featured exposing the sex organs indicates that you are on the verge of being dangerously sex-starved and professional advice would be useful.
To dream of pain in the genitals suggests you should see your doctor.
[2]This is an obvious sexual dream which brings out your attitudes and concerns in regard to your sexuality.
If you are feeling guilty, stressed or concerned about your sexual activities (or a lack of them), they will be reinforced in these explicit dreams containing sexual organs.
If you are dreaming about the sexual organs of other people, you may be concerned about their sexuality or other troubling issues that are surrounding them. Dreaming about sexual organs usually has something to do with sex --BUT not necessarily, so consider all the details.
[3]Dreams about genitals represent sexuality, reproduction, life force, sexual feelings, desire, vulnerability, mating, and pleasure.
If you dream of the genitals of someone that you are attracted to, then this dream represents your connection to them and desire for a more intimate exchange. However, if you dream of seeing the genitals of someone you don’t like or are unattracted to, then this dream may be helping you to process or vent out a traumatic sexual experience.
See Also: Penis, Vagina, Testes, Ovaries, Sex.
[4]See Also: Body
1- To dream of our own genitals has a direct reference to our own sexuality.
To dream of being mutilated could refer to cither past or present abuse.
2- Dreaming of someone else’s genitals cither indicates our involvement with that person’s sexuality, or. if of the opposite sex, our need to understand the hidden side of ourselves.
3- Our awareness of the physical self” within a spiritual framework.
[5]While many common objects can symbolize genitals in dreams, a dream that includes one’s genitals is usually referring to the sexual side of life. Exactly what is being said about one’s sexuality is a function of what happens in the dream, and whether the dreamer feels pleasure, pain, guilt, or some other emotion. (See Also: Penis.)
[6]A private or personal matter.
Intimacy, such as a real-life conversation about a personal matter.
Personal boundary issues.
Keeping private matters private.
Self-identity or sexual identity.
See Also: Female, Male, Body Part, Privacy, Sex
[7]To dream of your genitals indicates your opinions and attitudes toward sex, sexuality, masculinity, and femininity. This dream can also indicate potential difficulties you may have with faithfulness and/or satisfaction.
[8]Represents one’s ability to produce or create a new beginning; research details; see “baby”
[9]Direct reference to sexual aspect of self.
See Also: penis, vagina under body; castration.
[10]Attitude toward sexual activities: puritanical, open, etc.