For a person to dream of turning a grindstone, his dream is prophetic of a life of energy and well directed efforts bringing handsome competency.
If you are sharpening tools, you will be blessed with a worthy helpmate.
To deal in grindstones, is significant of small but honest gain.
[1]1. Willingness to make things perfect.
2. Sharpening tools indicates that, if needed, friends will be there to help.
[2]To dream of turning a grindstone is a warning that you must give closer attention to details if you wish to succeed.
[3]To be using a Grindstone in your dream is an omen of contrary—good fortune will attend your efforts.
[4]lucky numbers: 09-14-22-23-46-48
of a: battle until even the tiniest problem is solved.
machine: find the core of the problem, contain the energy and build on it.
using a: good fortune wil attend your efforts, insignificant but honest profit.
children: life of great activity with financial success.
others: loss of the friendship of several friends and the gain of a worthy mate.
[5](See Also: Hone)