A dream which featured a gulf of water signifies a sudden sad parting; however, if you were in a boat on the gulf, or landed at a gulf port or cove, it indicates the sudden forging of a new link in your life.
If your dream concerned a land-type gulf, see Abyss.
[1]A sign of a parting which will sadden you. Avoid it if you can.
[2]See “beach”
[3]A gulf represents one’s partisans or his immediate entourage, or it could represent a gate if the seawater thus indicates in the dream.
If the water level of such gulf rises at a time when the tides are low in the sea in a dream, it means a rebellion in the land.
The same conclusion is made when the opposite is true. In a dream, a gulf also represents a shelter and safety from havoc. Gulf in a dream also indicates the middle road, a middle man, an average person the level of whose righteousness or spirituality is summed from the degree of his ease, or it could represent serious devotion.
[4]lucky numbers: 05-06-12-17-18-24
being in a: only time wel spent with lover wil prevent her departure.
boat in a, being in a: wil overcome troubles by giving others care and attention.
of a: separateness, separation from the life you are living.
others being in a: sad parting from someone you love.
port, landing at a: joy without profit.