A hamster, gerbil, or other similar animal can represent: The idea of “storing up” or “saving for later” (such as memories or money).
Isolating yourself, or having time to yourself.
Nosy, or “sticking your nose into things.” Cuteness, or someone or something you consider cute.
Dreaming of this animal can represent too much or not enough of one of those qualities, or someone or something you associate with the quality or animal.
Consider also the animal’s actions, context, and your feelings about it.
[1]To dream of more than one hamster indicates a time of bustling activity, family outings and/or small celebrations.
To dream of a hamster running on an exercise wheel implies that you may, quite literally, need to go for a regular walk or run.
To dream of a singular hamster may be suggesting that a gift of food or a parcel of groceries could mean a lot to someone you know.
[2]Dreaming of a hamster, particularly holding one in your hands, suggests you’re trying to handle a problem or you’re in the middle of a tricky situation. The best advice would be to let it go and take a step back. The more you try to resolve the situation at this time, the worse things will get. Space and sensitivity are key here.
[3]Dreams of a hamster represent that you are engaged in activity without a higher vision or a plan; feeling as though you’ve been putting out a lot of energy, but not getting anywhere.
[4]1. A need or desire for time alone and undisturbed.
2. New, emerging feelings, not yet fully formed.
3. Anger and frustration with current social circle.
[5]To see a hamster in your dream suggests that you are keeping your temper in line. This dream can also indicate a need for love and acceptance.
[6]Depending on dream can mean chasing oneself around and around with no direct goal.
[7]1. Running in circles going nowhere.
2. Multiplication; Prov 20;21
[8]See Also: Guinea Pig/ Gerbil.