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Hands Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 13 Unique Sources About Hands

hands image

Universal Landscape: Personal creativity and expression.

Dreaming Lens: Whose hands were featured in your dream? Were they your own, or the hands of another? If someone else’s hands appeared in your dream, do you know to whom they belonged? How were the hands being used in the dream? Were they normal in appearance or were they exaggerated or disfigured in some way? Were they functional?

Personal Focus: Hands have an enormous capacity for creativity and expression that are the exclusive territory of human beings. On a personal level, one’s hands divulge an extraordinary amount of information. The condition and appearance of a person’s hands directly reflect what they do with them on a regular basis. A person who does manual labor will have rough and careworn hands. Hands that are soft and smooth indicate a lifestyle that is free from such work.

Some ethnic groups are known to talk with their hands, while others are known for certain levels of reserve and containment. Whatever your personal style is with regard to your hands should be juxtaposed to the Dreaming Lens when interpreting this symbol, especially if body language plays a part in the dream.

Consider whether the presence or prominence of the hands in the dream is empowering or disturbing. Holding on to or hiding one’s hands can be an indication of a need to exert a measure of control over personal expression. Overuse of the hands while talking could point to excessive amounts of embellishments in communication that may put a distance between you and others. A disembodied hand can represent actions without conscience. A hand poised in the air could land in a slap or a caress, so there is an element of anticipation of the possible outcome in such an image.

Notice the presence or lack of adornments; a well-adorned hand signifies wealth, whereas a plain hand could mean anything from lack to simplicity. Each of us has a relationship to our hands that is intimate and familiar, as in the expression I know that like the back of my hand. The act of making something with your hands could indicate a call do so more often in life. The notion of “getting your hands dirty” can apply to having a richer experience as a result of throwing yourself fully into something.


The hands are one of the most expressive parts of the body and signify power and creativity.

The right hand is the ‘power’ hand, while the left is passive and receptive. Sometimes in dreams the left hand can represent cheating.

If the hands are contrasted with each other and / or have a different object in each, it indicates there may be some conflict in us between our beliefs and feelings.

A hand on the breast signifies submission. Clasped hands indicate union or friendship, while clenched hands suggest a threat. Folded hands suggest deep repose or a state of rest.

The hands covering the eyes generally represent shame or horror, while hands crossed at the wrists suggest that we are being bound, perhaps by our own actions.

The open hand represents justice whilst the laying on of hands signifies healing and blessing, particularly if the hand is placed on the neck. Hands placed together give an indication of defencelessness; if they are placed in someone else’s it suggests a pledge of service or commitment. When the hands are raised this can indicate either adoration, prayer or surrender; if the palms are turned outwards a blessing is being given; when they are raised to the head we should give a great deal of thought and care to our current situation. Washing the hands suggests innocenceor rejection of guilt, while wringing the hands signifies grief.

A huge hand, particularly from the sky, suggests that we have been ‘specially chosen’.

For this reason, advertising that contains such an image has a profound effect.


Hands have an enormous capacity for creativity and expression that are the exclusive territory of human beings. On a personal level, one’s hands divulge an extraordinary amount of information.

The condition and appearance of a person’s hands directly reflect what the person does with them on a regular basis. Holding on to or hiding one’s hands can be an indication of a need to exert a measure of control over personal expression. Overuse of the hands while talking could point to an excessive amount of embellishment in communication that may put a distance between you and others.

A disembodied hand can represent actions without conscience.

The act of making something with your hands could indicate a call do so more often in life.

The notion of “getting your hands dirty” can apply to having a richer experience as a result of throwing yourself fully into something.


If you dream your fists are clenched, you may have a lot of repressed anger. Extended hands indicate that you are need and willing to develop close friendships.

If the hands in your dreams are stroking, you may be feeling sexy.

If you dream you see blood on your hands this denotes you will feel guilty if you do not aid a person for whom you could help better their life.

If you have an injury to your hand it shows that someone else will garner the rewards that are rightfully yours. Large hands show that you will go far in life towards achieving your goals.

If you see a detached hand then you are destined for a solitary life if you do not change your ways.

If you dream your hands are tied you will have difficulty in completing something that you have begun.


We express ourselves with our hands, and appropriate reading of body language is a valuable source of information. Likewise, in the dream state the hands may reveal information about emotions, intentions, and overt behaviors.

For example, if in you dream you see clenched fists you may have much repressed anger. Sometimes extended hands suggest a need to develop close friendships.

If the hands in your dreams are stroking you, may be feeling sexy.


If a woman admires her own hands tn a dream, it is an omen that she will win the love of the man she admires more than any other.

Admiration of another’s hands mean that a woman will be subject to jealousy of the man she loves.

If she dreams of having a man hold her hands she should regard it as a warning against indiscretions.

If she allows a man to kiss her hands she will be gossiped about by those she considered her friends.


Hands symbolize building, healing, and praying. Clasped hands depict unity and completeness or agreement. One can “give a hand” to help and to soothe. Negative connotations of this symbol include a “heavy-handed” manner in relationships and theft or deceit (“caught with his hand in the cookie jar”). Wringing and washing of the hands suggests a worrisome issue that the dreamer needs to work through.


Beautiful hands promise great distinction to dreamer.

A hand detached from the body, misunderstandings with your own people. Hairy hands, sordid imaginings. Hands that are soiled or blood-stained, envy, jealousy. Holding hands, emotional strain. Hands that are tied, too much restraint.


If the hands are clean, weil-kept and capable looking, the augury is of happiness and easy living.

It is good luck to dream of shaking hands, especially with someone of a higher station in life. Holding hands with one of the opposite sex foretells financial stability.


Attention to the hands in a dream may comment that help is on the way.

The nght hand represents giving and the left receiving.

A cutoff hand may mcnticn the inability to give or receive, or to work.


lf any one dreams that his hands are comelier and stronger than ordinary, he will be employed in some important affairs, which he will bring to a happy issue. If one dreams that his hand is cut off, or that it has grown lean and dry, or hath been burnt, he will grow poor. If a woman dreams thus, she will lose her husband, or her eldest son, or fall into a decay. If any one dreams that he works with his right hand, it is a sign of good fortune to him and his family; if the left hand, that denotes bad luck. To dream the hand is hairy, signifies trouble and imprisonment.


lucky numbers: 05-8-9-13-17-38

amputated, being: death of an enemy; loss of an expressive part of self.

arthritic: relief from financial worries; affairs wil have no hindrances.

big, having: your heavy-handed manner pushes others into deceit.

blister on a, a: your actions are blocked by your indecision.

blood on your hands: contention in family over deeds il done.

bloody: are guilty of what you have done and what you are thinking of doing.

cold: wil fail to communicate the wealth of your true intentions.

full: others overload you with their chores to escape blame for being unable to do them.

small: others wil succeed at what you have been unable to attempt.

swollen: others’ envy is forcing you to defend a correct decision.

tied: a relative is in difficulty; you cannot save him.

blowing on, to warm: a brief depression clouds your alertness at work.

burned your, having: a business associate seeks to limit you.

child’s being cut off: the child wil elope and you wil celebrate with festivities.

man’s: have overreached in your push for a score and wil be penalized.

woman’s: wil be covetous of another’s husband, thus pushing yours to run away.

clasping hands: unity and completeness of purpose; the natural leader wil lead.

in front of your eyes, your: tolerate another’s mistake as you would your own.

kissing a: an elegant way of expressing an eloquence words cannot.

being kissed: wil be seduced into actions that are fodder for the gossip mongers.

knocking with knuckles: your affections are not required.

wearing brass: take control of those wishing to handle your life.

left, working with the: contrariness leading to an artistic creation.

right: are expending energy without al owing replenishment.

losing a right: disturbing news from father brings difficulty in sharing with others.

left: mother’s il ness prevents your receipt of a benefit.

own, of: perfect accord between husband and wife.

being cut: wil incur debts out of your control; stop the flow.

burning: are unable to perform task, which would prove disgraceful and unprofitable.

clean: wil overcome troubles with the resolution of honest friends.

dirty: the sentence for dishonest affairs is hard labor.

palms: the pattern of your life is exposed; have only to seek it inside.

strong, your: favorable outcome if you finalize the deal now.

tied, are: any chance of creative expression has been denied.

washing: are limiting growth by discarding aspects of self before examining them.

shake, a: begin new project and another, at the point you ful y trust your partner.

firm and friendly: your balanced attitude wil force others to desist in their arguments.

pressure so hard you feel the pain: are under pressure to accept the wrong thing.

weak and clammy: lack enthusiasm and are received in a half-hearted way.

shaking: outrageous demands cause your suffering.

thumb, cutting your: prevent your business from overspending.

ugly and malformed: feel constrained from acting in your own interest.

unmarried people dreaming of their: wil love and be loved with sincere regard.

watch or clock, of a: rapid progression of your affairs; are you ready?

wringing: worrisome issue needs to be worked through.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation