It is a fortunate omen when you dream of the skies; but if there are many clouds about, then expect to face difficulties.
[1](The eight heavens, Firmament, Planets, Skies) If one sees himself dwelling in the lower heaven, and if he qualifies, it means that he will be appointed at a ministerial office, or work for a minister in the government. This is because the lower heaven is the sphere of the Moon and the moon is interpreted asa chief minister or as a secretary.
The second heaven is the sphere of the planet Mercury.
If one sees himself in the second heaven in a dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge, diligence and writing style. In turn, people will seek him to learn from him.
The third heaven is the sphere of the planet Venus. Ifone sees himself in the third heaven in a dream, it means that he will prosper, or employ a female servants, or it could mean possessingjewelry and living in happiness and comforts.
The fourth heaven is the sphere of the Sun. Ifone sees himself in the fourth heaven in a dream, it means that he will reach leadership, gain authority and win respect, or that he will serve such people.
The fifth heaven is the sphere of the planet Mars.
If one sees himself in the fifth heaven in a dream, it means that he will preside or leads a police squadron, a mountain patrol, a small army, a band of thieves, or manage a brothel.
The sixth heaven is the sphere ofthe planet Jupiter. Ifone sees himself in the sixth heaven in a dream, it means that he will acquire deep spiritual understanding, religious assiduousness, or become a judge, if he qualifies. He also could become an ascetic, or a true worshiper and he will have strong faith, good managerial ability, or he could become a treasurer.
The seventh heaven is the sphere of the planet Saturn.
If one sees himself in the seventh heaven in a dream, it means that he may buy a house, a property, a farmland, or it could mean longevity.
If one does not qualify to receive any of the above, then such award will reach his superiors, or someone in his progeny, or a close friend.
If one sees himself standing beyond the seventh heaven in a dream, it means exaltation, though his new station will be the direct cause of his death.
(See Also: Mars, Jupiter, Skies)
[2]lucky numbers: 02-13-27-30-32-41
ascending to the: success too late in life to al ow a ful family.
being clear: escapist wish fulfil ment of grandeur and glory.
dark: a new and more complicated, but better project.
being in: are going helter-skelter; settle into an immediate marriage.
climbing a ladder to the: your accomplishments are at that rung in the ladder.
unable to: wil meet with losses, passionate, heated arguments.
of the moonlit: financial gain, understanding and love, as you rise in stature, is exposed.
surrounding the earth, of the: your reunion wil reveal losses; reconcile and continue.
viewing the, with a loved one: prosperity, bliss and contentment.
free of clouds: enlightenment wil bring comfort and love to you; hold it.
obscured by clouds: fail to benefit ful y from your toil; the carrot of joy is ever ahead.
without the sun: recovery from an il ness; have turned off that emotional faucet.
stars: wil receive bad news; need regrouping of your loving support.