Herbs, whether for their medicinal power or their venom, appear frequently in legends and folktales. || To dream that you are lying on grass reveals the need to reestablish contact with yourself. You are wasting life by following some rules that are, by all indications, unnatural. The dream invites you to not lose hope for a major transformative change. However, if your oneiric images show dry, wilted grass, it is an unfavorable sign: it means you feel defeated and you’ve given up on harboring new ideas. Weeds also represent your worst habits and attitudes. These may come from your interior or from others. Most likely, the dream is showing you the way to regain harmony.
If in your dream you are pulling out weeds and they do not contain nettles or thistles, the signs are good. Soon you will be very lucky.
[1]Dreams of an herb represents your connection to the elements, realizing a natural cure for your challenge and that the solution you seek resides within you.
See Also: Flower.
[2]According to Jung, herbs are always connected to healing.
The herb is the alchemist’s elixir, the universal medicine.
[3]Healing, soothing, energy; allow rest and nurturing.