(a partly male, partly female figure)
(1) A hermaphrodite may denote the ‘marriage’ of conscious and unconscious components of the psyche. The ‘marriage’ may be total or partial, depending on how much of your unconscious you have integrated into your conscious attitudes and actions.
(2) It may symbolize (the need for) perfect balance between the masculine and feminine sides of your nature (for anima / animus, see Brother / Sister, section (4)). Every man has feminine components in his psyche, every woman has masculine components in hers. These contrasexual components are usually suppressed by social convention. However, neglect of the contrasexual side of your nature results in a lopsided development.
Dogmatism in a woman comes from an unintegrated animus. Similarly, a man who has not brought his masculine and feminine sides into harmony may be fickle, moody, and prone to emotional outbursts.
See Also: Couple, section(2), Marriage.
[1]See Also: Sex
1- When we dream of a hermaphrodite, we may be having uncertainties about our own gender, or about our ability to adjust to the roles played by our own sex. Interestingly, as we learn more about ourselves, we attempt to achieve a balance between the logical and the sensitive sides of our nature. This can appear as hermaphrodism in a dream.
2- As a child grows, he begins to understand that certain behaviour is appropriate or acceptable. This may mean that other natural reactions are suppressed and can surface later on. These may confuse the dreamer and be perceived in dreams as hermaphrodism.
3- Perfect balance.
[2]Psychological / emotional perspective: As we grow and mature, we begin to understand that certain behaviour is appropriate or acceptable. This may mean that other natural emotions, reactions and sensitivities are suppressed and can surface as difficulties later on in life as we search for autonomy. These may cause us a great deal of confusion and can be perceived in dreams as hermaphrodism, with either the masculine or feminine attributes becoming noticeable.
[3]Example:4I was outdoors in my underpants teaching a group of people. Looking down I saw my genitals were exposed and I had female organs. I felt OK’ (Bill S). Although Bill works in the building trade, he finds it easy to cook, look after his children, cry, and accept his ‘female’ characteristics. Being both sexes: might also suggest feeling uncertain about our own gender, or having problems in the role of our own sex.
[4]Spiritually this represents the divine union or sacred marriage and suggests the masculine and feminine aspects of god united in perfect balance.
It is the balance sought by all alchemists, and is an image that occurs in dreams as we become more spiritually proficient.
[5]Seeing yourself as a hermaphrodite may indicate that your sexual tendency is not entirely defined. However, it may also reflect the need to strengthen the feminine side, if the dreamer is a man, or the masculine side, if she is a woman.
[6]Balanced sexuality; comfort with both sides of the soul (See Also: Men, Women).
An attempt to eliminate real or perceived gender-specific limitations. Hiding your true sensual or sexual nature behind an ambivalent mask.
[7]Our universe presents opposites and contradictions, thus making it so unique and vast.
To dream that you are a hermaphrodite refers to having opposite characteristics in your personality and indicates a sense of balance.
[8]Dreaming of a hermaphrodite (someone who is both masculine and feminine) signifies our attitude to bisexuality, or androgyny – the perfect balance within one person of the masculine and feminine qualities.
[9]Dreaming about having characteristics of both sexes can show, on the one hand, a balance between our masculine and feminine character traits. On the other hand, it could reflect confusion about our sexual identity.
[10]1. Unusual capacity to both impart and receive.
2. Unusual capacity for leadership and nurturing at the same time.
3. Negative can be confusion concerning your identity/role/design
[11]Whether you dreamed of being one or seeing one, the dream is a warning to cut down your indulgence in the fleshpots!
[12]lucky numbers: 04-7-15-16-32-41
being a: must behave more judiciously in company of opposite sex.
both male and female reproductive organs, having: wil have many disgusting emotions.
others being: wil be guilty of foolish actions, causing distress.
sailing vessel with two masts: wil take long journey with al parts of yourself.
son of Hermes and Aphrodite joined in one body, the: companions wil be provocative.
[13](See Also: Hyena)