If a hornets’ nest appears in your dreams, perhaps there is something you need to steer clear of in waking life. Hornets represent people and situations that bring threats with them; they are a symbol of trouble waiting to happen or festering beneath the surface. Have you‘stirred up a hornet’s nest’? If you have been shorttempered lately and have a dream of a hornets’ nest, look for the problem in the way you think about yourself because hornets nest in high places. Occasionally a hornet may represent busy thinking and over-activity; your dreaming mind may be sending you the image to encourage you to calm down and take things one step at a time. To dream that you are stung by a hornet is an indication of revenge and vengeful attitudes. It may also represent some stinging remark.
[1]To dream of a hornet, signals disruption to lifelong friendship, and loss of money.
For a young woman to dream that one stings her, or she is in a nest of them, foretells that many envious women will seek to disparage her before her admirers.
[2]Dreams of a hornet denote vengeful, angry, destructive and out of control emotions; perhaps someone hurt you and you are wanting to sting someone as an act of revenge. Keep in mind what goes around comes around.
See Also: Bee.
[3]Oddly enough a dream of suffering the sting of these nasty creatures is an omen of success in your current undertakings; otherwise they must be considered a warning against hostile associates.
[4]1. Extreme anger (aggressive or stinging).
2. Desire for vengeance against perceived enemies.
3. A sense that someone is jealous.
[5]A trouble-maker with a stinging personality who tries to entrap and control
[6]1. Demonic;
2. Dangerous issue to touch!
3. Affliction; Deut7:20.
[7]Symbolic of a spirit of terror and confusion, Ex. 23:27-28
[8]A dream of vexations (Gypsy).
[9](See Also: Bee)
[10]To dream of hornets, shows you will have to do with people who will assault and discredit you.
[11]A hornet in a dream represents a fighting enemy, a builder, an architect, a thief, a highway robber, a despicable person whose earnings are unlawful, a singer who sings in the wrong key, eating poisonous food, or disclosing something. Ahornet in a dream also represents a slanderer, a troublemaker, a strong fighter, a strong enemy that will argue against the truth, or merciless people, a vile person, a blood thirsty person, a stinging personality, or a harmful connection. Fighting attackinghornets in a dream means a war with evil people.