Vision: If you are in the presence of an Astrologer: pay careful attention to the information vou receive.
Depth Psychology: L’nlike newspaper and magazine horoscopes, a dream about a horoscope should alw ays be examined carefully. It can provide valuable insights into your personality, which—in turn—can increase and strengthen your intuitive abilities.
See Also: Signs of the Zodiac.
[1]To dream of having your horoscope drawn by an astrologist, foretells unexpected changes in affairs and a long journey; associations with a stranger will probably happen.
If the dreamer has the stars pointed out to him, as his fate is being read, he will find disappointments where fortune and pleasure seem to await him.
[2]A dream involving a horoscope suggests that you are concerned about your future. You sense that important changes are coming in your life - and they are! If your dream included your own astrological forecast, try to analyze how it relates to your real life, because it may provide an important message for you.
[3]Relationship of self to expanded celestial influences; life purpose and plan. Blueprint of life chosen before incarnation. What you do with it—changing, accepting or moving beyond—is own free will. Helpful guide or map.
See Also: Astrology.
[4]1. Good and exciting, maybe romantic, things are on the way, possibly due to travels or changes.
2. A need to focus on the “here and now” and rely less on fate or destiny.
3. Fears and anxieties regarding the future.
[5]To dream of a chart of your starry influences is a sign thot a stronger mind than yours will dominate you, unless you resist with all your might.
[6]A dream featuring your horoscope predicts the eventual achievement of contentment and security through your own patient efforts.
[7]See Also: Astrology/Astrologer.
[8]See “astrology”
See Also: Moon)