1- Pleasurable feelings can be translated in dreams to a physical feeling.
To dream of being hot indicates warm or perhaps passionate feelings.
To be conscious of the fact that our surroundings are hot indicates that we are loved and cared for.
2- Occasionally, extreme emotion can be interpreted as a physical feeling so anger, jealousy or other such feelings can be experienced as heat. Experiencing something as hot which should be cold e.g. ice indicates that we are perhaps having difficulty and experiencing confusion in sorting out our feelings.
3- Spiritual passion is a deeply held feeling. It can be experienced as in a dream as heat.
[1]Heat or something hot can represent: Energy.
Increased activity (as heat involves molecules vibrating faster), or a need for decreased activity.
Pressure or stress.
Being too hot can result from actually feeling too hot physically while sleeping, or it can represent a feeling or fear of oppression, a challenging or uncomfortable situation, or not feeling well (physically, emotionally, or mentally).
See Also: Warm, Fire, Weather, L, scape, Tropical, Desert, Location, Feeling
[2]Psychological / emotional perspective: Psychologically, feelings of cheerfulness and hopefulness can create an awareness of warmth and can be interchangeable. Occasionally, extreme emotion can be interpreted as a physical feeling – so anger, jealousy or other such feelings can be experienced as heat. Encountering something as hot which should be cold – for example, ice – indicates that we are perhaps having difficulty and experiencing confusion in sorting out our feelings.
[3]Material aspects: Pleasurable feelings can be translated in dreams to a physical feeling of heat or warmth.
To dream of being hot indicates warm – or perhaps passionate – feelings.
To be conscious of the fact that our surroundings are hot indicates that we are loved and cared for. Consult the entries for emotions and ice / icebergs / icicles for further clarification.
[4]Pleasurable warm’ feelings, passion for someone. Very hot, burning: potentially painful emotions or passions, which may leave their mark.
See Also: fire. Idioms: be hot on, hot and bothered, hot blooded; hot headed; hot stuff, in hot water, in the hot seat, make it hot for someone, get the hots; hot air.
[5]Passion, warm feelings.
If something in a dream is so hot that it burns, it can indicate painful feelings. Also note various idiomatic uses of hot, such as “hot headed,” “being in hot water,” the “hot seat,” and “hot air.”
[6]Spiritual passion is a deeply held feeling. It can be experienced in a dream as a feeling of warmth and can symbolize unconditional love. We can afford to move positively in search of this heat.
[7]To dream that you are hot, signifies passion and emotion. You may “have the hots” for someone. It may also reflect a situation that is potentially dangerous.
[8]May be as simple as too many bed covers on while sleeping.
A hot spot in your life that calls for cool emotional handling; you are in hot water.
See Also: Heat.
[9]The result of anger, anxiety and hard times; revealed to avert the root cause; see “temperature”
[10]1. On fire for God;
2. Problems comings;
See Also: red;
Rev. 3:15-16; Ps. 39:3.
[11]See Also: Heat.
[12](Bathhouse, Boiling water, Hot pepper, Pungent) Eating hot food, or drinking a hot drink in a dream may represent arduous earnings, or abundance that becomes a burden. It may also represent unlawful earnings, illegal profits, losses, or losing any blessing which maybe contained in one’s deeds. Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that he is destined for hell-fire.