The back symbolizes physical strength and resistance.
If it is curved—as happens with hunchbacked people—it reflects a weakness of character and emotional dissatisfaction. For this reason, if you see a hunchback in a dream, it could indicate you are hiding something and feel insecure.
analysis of a dream
Felipe dreamed: “I often dream that I am very hungry and I can’t find food anywhere: my fridge is empty or full of inedible objects—like a watch, a ball, a sock.... I decide to go out and buy something, but the grocery stores are closed or close just as I am about to go in. So I get really mad. Other times I dream of a table full of exotic fruits (figs, grapes, papayas, strawberries) but when I bring something to my mouth, it turns to smoke or disappears. Then I wake up in a very bad mood, but curiously, I’m not hungry.” Dreams about food sometimes have a merely physiological trigger. However, in Felipe’s case—since he wakes up not hungry—they are warning him about another type of necessity, concretely hunger for affection and safety. When Felipe began to have this type of dream, he had broken up with a partner several months earlier. Even though it was his girlfriend who make the decision, he felt strong and optimistic and bragged about having gotten over it easily. However, his unconscious was reminding him, through dreams, that he was emotionally dry and more vulnerable than he thought. Gluttony sometimes has a sexual connotations: the fruit especially reveals a unsatisfied sensual desire. The fact that he couldn’t find food or stores open reflected his inability to understand his emotions and express them.
[1]An old symbol for luck—”The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” A period of great stress. You are challenged to become more straightforward, direct. But it may also be a suggestion that you unburden yourself.
[2]A character who has a hunched back may comment on the burdens you carry.
A hunched back may suggest that you may have piled too many of other people’s problems on your shoulders.
[3]A period of many trials and changes to come, to be followed by a happy love affair.
[4]A hunchback in a dream is a symbol of luck similar to that of a horseshoe.
[5]To dream of a hunchback, denotes unexpected reverses in your prospects.
[6]See Also: Posture.
[7](Friend, Good luck, Money, Prosperity) A hunchbacked in a dream means prosperity, longevity, or having a large family. Seeing oneself in a dream as a hunchback means acquiring wealth and a large property through an influential person in one’s family or a son. One who sees that in a dream will also be gifted with vigilance and astuteness.
[8]lucky numbers: 01-07-08-09-14-18
being a: wil be humiliated by inabilities caused by poor health.
female a: many trials with strange but likable people.
male a: changes to come, bringing financial fortune.
talking to a: pleasant news of personal success.