The jaw is very involved in preparing food for digestion, and in this way it ultimately connects to the principle of self-care and nurturance. However, a tight jaw strongly relates to unexpressed anger and tension.
If your jaw or the jaw of a person in your dream is featured, there may be issues of anger in such a dream. Consider whose jaw is prominent.
If it is a character in the dream, then that person may represent a part of your personality that is causing you to either hold back anger or otherwise reflect issues of unexpressed rage.
[1]To dream that you are in the jaws of an animal signifies a threat to your happiness due to failed relationships and hasty judgment.
To see your own jaw in your dream represents your stubbornness, persistence, and forcefulness. You may have need to be more purposeful in your approach.
To dream that your jaws are tight indicate ill feelings and bottled emotions.
To dream that you break or dislocate your jaw suggests that you are allowing yourself to be swayed by your emotions rather than adhering to your principles.
[2]Talking, or other forms of communication.
Communicating well or with strength.
Ability to “take in,” process, or break down events or information from the world around you.
Perceived masculinity or femininity, depending on the characteristics of the particular jaw.
See Also: Communication, Chewing, Face, Chin, Body Part
[3]Dreams of a jaw represent communication.
If you dream of lock jaw, then this denotes anger, frustration, stress, and resentment, that you’ve put a lock on joy. This dream could be suggesting that it is time to be more mindful about your communication patterns.
[4]The jaw or chin are symbols of willpower. To dream you have a large jaw indicates that your determination has perhaps devolved into stubbornness. On the contrary, if the chin is abnormally small, the unconscious is reminding you of the weakness of your character.
[5]If locked or closed, need for verbalization; release suppressed emotions. Sternness, strength.
If jaws are crushing you, suggests fear of words, giving away power to others; losing control, being taken in by negative words of others.
[6]1. Portal, gateway, most often to hell.
2. Inner exploration.
3. Conflict with partner (injured jaw).
4. Stubbornness.
5. Repressed anger (locked or tightened jaw).
[7]It is a bad omen if you dream of any injury to your Jaw; but if you recover, then all will go well after you have conquered the initial difficulties.
[8]Often representative of our self-expression, on a more esoteric level the jaw suggests the opening to the underworld.
[9]If obviously exaggerated, it is figurative of one who is long-winded
[10]See Also: Body