Any dream concerning your own jaws, such as lockjaw, pain, injury, or whatever is a warning that you will have to cope with some malicious gossip which could damage your standing among those whose esteem you value.
Don’t rely on passive resistance, combat it actively.
A dream featuring the jaws of others signifies financial gain through outside help.
To dream that you see, or are in the grip of, the jaws of a monster portends a misunderstanding which could lead to a broken friendship.
Don’t be too quick to judge.
[1]A dream in which your own jaws are featured usually means you will lose prestige through malicious gossip from those whom you value highly, it is a warning that you must aggressively refute the lies.
To dream of the jaws of others denotes financial gain through the actions of a friend.
If you dream that you are held in the jaws of a monster you must guard against misunderstandings and hasty judgments.
[2]To dream of seeing heavy, misshapen jaws, denotes disagreements, and ill feeling will be shown between friends.
If you dream that you are in the jaws of a wild beast, enemies will work injury to your affairs and happiness. This is a vexatious and perplexing dream.
If your own jaws ache with pain, you will be exposed to climatic changes, and malaria may cause you loss in health and finances.
[3]Some dream interpreters believe that jaws signify the gates to the underworld. Jaws in a dream can also indicate a bad meal, spiritual indigestion, or a bad mix of food that produces an old-fashioned “nightmare.”
[4]Large, powerful jaws of an animal or a crushing machine symbolize a trap, Ps. 141:9
[5](Chin, Indignant talk) The lower jaw represents the chief of a group of people who has a large offspring.
If one sees his chin elongated in his dream, it means that he will become reproving of others, and he will gossip in vain. It also means weakness after strength.
(See Also: Body], Chin)