1. The establishment of peace; called “The City of Our God;”
2. The remnant of God. Heb. 12:22-28; Gal. 4:6; Rev. 3:12; 21:2, 10.
[1]1. Social relationships take on a primary, “sacred” importance.
2. A journey, embarking on a crusade.
[2]To dream of this Holy City suggests loneliness; remember that to have a friend you must also be one.
[3]lucky numbers: 08-19-21-26-29-31
being in: dignity and command within the center of your universe.
going to: wil take a long journey to stay with a relative.
many people worshiping in: children wil have abundant means.
of: wil have bitter experiences suffering an injustice and the misery of loneliness.
praying in: wil be respected in society and hated by your family.
[4]Seeing oneselfperformingprayers at the sacred mosque in Jerusalem in a dream means receiving a great wealth from an inheritance. Facing Jerusalem during one’s prayers instead of the Ka’aba in a dream means a pilgrimage to Mecca. Hone performs a ritual ablution in Jerusalem in his dream, it represents profits from his business.
(See Also: Canopy, City, Masjid)