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Jewels Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 12 Unique Sources About Jewels

jewels image

1- Jewels appearing in dreams almost invariably symbolise those things which we value. These may be personal qualities, our sense of integrity, our ability to be ourselves, or even our very essential being. When we feel we know what we arc looking for, we are aware on some level of its value to us or others. When we simply register that we are looking for jewels, sometimes up a mountain, otherwise in a cave, we are attempting to find those parts of ourselves that we know will be of value in the future. Counting or in some way assessing them would suggest a time of reflection is needed.

2- If the jewels are set made up into wearable articles we are aware of some of the uses of whatever the jewel signifies.

For instance, to find an emerald ring might suggest that we have completed a stage of growth towards immortality ‘There are different interpretations for each gemstone, and opinions do vary as to the correct ones.

A little consideration will usually tell the dreamer what each stone means for him. One system suggests: Amethyst promotes healing and influences dreams; Diamond signifies human greed, hardness of nature and what one values in a cosmic sense; Emerald highlights personal growth; Opal suggests the inner world of fantasies and dreams; psychic impressions; Pearl signifies inner beauty and value; Ruby informs on emotions, passion and sympathies; Sapphire highlights religious feelings.

Other meanings of some well known jewels and gems are: Agate (black) symbolises wealth, courage, assurance and vigour; (red) peace, spiritual love of good, health, prosperity and longevity. Amber represents crystallised light and magnetism. Amethyst is the healing gem. Connecting the dreamer with the spiritual, it represents the influence of dreams. Also humility, peace of mind, faith, self-restraint and resignation. Aquamarine embodies the qualities of hope, youth and health. Beryl is believed to hold within it happiness, hope and eternal youthfulness. Bloodstone holds the qualities of peace and understanding.

It is also reputed to grant all wishes. Carbuncle holds determination, success and self-assurance . Carnelian highlights friendship, courage, sclf- confidence, health. Cat’s eye influences longevity, the ability to sustain and the waning moon. Chrysolite represents wisdom, discretion, tact, prudence. Chrysoprase symbolises gaiety, unconditional happiness, the symbol of joy. Corundum influences and helps crcate a stability of mind. Crystal symbolises purity, simplicity, and various magical elements. Diamond has a number of influences: light, life, the sun, durability, incorruptibility, invincible constancy, sincerity, innocence. Emerald embraces immortality; hope, youth, faithfulness, and also the beauty of Spring. Garnet can help energy levels and indicates devotion, lovally and grace. Hyacinth symbolises fidelity and the truth within, but also the gift of second sight. Jacinth holds within it humble qualities, verging on modesty. Jade ‘All that is supremely excellent’, the yang power of the heavens, and all its accompanying delights. Jasper holds the qualities of joy and happiness. Jet Although usually associated with darker emotions such as grief and mourning, jet also controls safety within a journey. Lapis Lazuli A favourable stone said to evoke divine favour, success and the ability to show perseverance. Lodestone holds within it the qualities of integrity and honesty; also said to influence virility. Moonstone/Selenite The moon and its magical qualities, tenderness and the romantic lovers. Olivine influences simplicity, modesty and happiness within a humble framework. Onyx represents degrees of perspicacity; sincerity, spiritual strength, and conjugal happiness. Opal not only represents fidelity; but also religious fervour, prayers and assurance of spiritual beliefs. Pearl symbolises the feminine principles of chastity and purity; and also the moon, and waters. Peridot represents consolidation of friendships. Also, so to speak, the thunderbolt, with which we mav be ‘hit’ at unlikely times.

Ruby represents all that is traditionally associated with Royalty; dignity, zeal, power, love, passion, beauty, longevity and invulnerability. However, some people may consider these interpretations to be slightly ironic. Sapphire holds within it worldly truth, heavenly virtues, celestial contemplation and the feminine side of chastity. Sardonyx represents codes of honour, renown, brightness, vivacity; and aspects of self-control. Topaz holds the beauty of the Divine; goodness, faithfulness, friendship, love, sagacity.

A topaz also symbolises the sun.

Tourmaline inspiration and imagination are represented by the tourmaline. Friendship also comes under the same influence. Turquoise symbolises courage physical and spiritual - fulfilment, and also success. Zircon Much worldly wisdom is held within zircon, as well as the virtues of honour, and the glories (or otherwise) of riches.

3- From a spiritual point of view, jewels and their understanding can enhance personal development. In most dreams it is the better-known stones which appear, but when the lesser-known ones are seen, there is much benefit to be gained by learning more on a conscious level.

Many stones have healing properties, and this is a whole subject in itself.

The reader is referred to the many good books on this subject.


In many cultures, jewels represent spiritual truths. So precious stones, necklaces, or bracelets are symbols of higher wisdom. But careful! Do not fool yourself: in dreams positive attributes are inverted due to the vanity of the person who flaunts the jewels. In oneiric terms, these elements are a warning that we should not trust appearances. Behind an attractive image may lurk a deceitful or even dangerous situation.

Dreaming of broken jewels expresses a clear feeling of frustration. Other interpretations believe in the sincerity of jewels. So, they represent patience, creativity, understanding, peace, and love. Traditionally, in this sense, gold and diamonds were the incorruptible part of the being; rubies denoted passion; emeralds, fertility; and finally, sapphires, the truth.

This dream augurs good luck.

Joke Dreaming of teasing others is evidence of excessive seriousness of the dreamer’s life and her need for fun; the funnier the joke, the more extreme her condition will be. However, if it becomes annoying, it might hide in the background a desire to hurt others with mean jokes.

If the joke explained in the dream is funny, business will go full speed ahead.

If it is not funny at all, business will fail.


To dream of jewels, denotes much pleasure and riches.

To wear them, brings rank and satisfied ambitions.

To see others wearing them, distinguished places will be held by you, or by some friend.

To dream of jeweled garments, betokens rare good fortune to the dreamer. Inheritance or speculation will raise him to high positions.

If you inherit jewelry, your prosperity will be unusual, but not entirely satisfactory.

To dream of giving jewelry away, warns you that some vital estate is threatening you.

For a young woman to dream that she receives jewelry, indicates much pleasure and a desirable marriage.

To dream that she loses jewels, she will meet people who will flatter and deceive her.

To find jewels, denotes rapid and brilliant advancement in affairs of interest.

To give jewels away, you will unconsciously work detriment to yourself.

To buy them, proves that you will be very successful in momentous affairs, especially those pertaining to the heart.


The young unmarried woman who dreams that she is given Jewels will rejoice in a life of complete satisfaction. Her desire for luxury will be gratified through a marriage with a person of high character and good business qualities.

If she dreams that she loses valuable jewels, she will have a highly dramatic affair of the heart with the proverbial happy ending.

(Separate jewels are found under their proper headings).


Things we, or our unconscious, treasures, our integ­rity or sense of wholeness, the lasting pans of our nature, even the eternal aspect of self or the essential core of our life.

For instance, ability to work creatively with others is not just valu­able in general, it also expresses the powerful symbiotic force in nature, it connects one with the universal.


Jewels are precious objects made from the rarest things on Earth, and as such, they are great symbols of wealth, prosperity, abundance, and that which we treasure.

A jewel can also be considered a sacred object, and to see one in a dream may indicate spiritual aspirations.


Always a very fortunate dream, especially for lovers.

The omen is just as good whether you give the Jewels to someone else or receive them yourself.


Symbolic of the true riches of heaven, 1 Cor. 3:12. Jewels can also symbolize things of earthly value, Prov. 8:10-11


Financial good fortune may be confidently expected if you dream of seeing or wearing jewels.


To dream of possessing jewels, signifies that you are on the road to happiness.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation