To dream that you are looking for a job, suggests that you are unfulfilled and feeling frustrated in the current phase of your life.
To dream about your current job, represents your satisfaction and contentment in the way things are going in your life. It may also mean that there is something or some task that must be done at once.
If you dream of being offered a new job, new horizons are opening for you that will bring positive things into your life. Take advantage of new opportunities! If you dream about the first day on a new job, consider whether you are about to begin (or have begun) something new in your life. Your dream is probably related to your anxiety about doing things right in this situation.
If you dream of getting a job promotion, it is a warning to pay closer attention to your current responsibilities.
If you dream of getting fired from a job, you want to end some relationship or situation in your waking life. This dream also suggests that you are repressing what you really desire most.
To dream that you fall asleep on the job, forewarns that unless you are very watchful, you will make a careless error that will lead to bitter disappointments.
[1]To dream of working at your job is frequently a sign of satisfaction and pride. But, if in the dream you are very unhappy or uncomfortable in the situation, it is a warning that you are over-stressed and probably overworked. You need to take a vacation or take up a hobby that is totally different from your work situation.
If you dream of losing your job, it reflects a loss of security You might stand a chance of losing someone you love or of losing your home.
To dream of getting a promotion shows a confidence in yourself, which, if reflected in your work, could lead to a promotion or increase in pay
[2]To dream that you are looking for a job suggests that you are unhappy and frustrated with what is currently happening in your life.
To dream about your current job means that you are content and highly satisfied with how things are going in your life. This may also mean urgency in finishing a task or project.
To dream that you lost your job denotes fear, uncertainty, and great anxiety in your waking life.
[3]What must be done now; stepping stone to growing and learning. Task at hand for developing specific tools of understanding. How you are seeing your work or job—drudgery or challenge, hard or fulfilling; your perception of your present work or attitude in life. To thine own self be true; to know yourself is to be aligned with the most fulfilling work, or creative self-expression, possible.
[4]If you dream that you are job hunting, and, in your dream, feel discouraged about the whole job situation, then your luck will be excellent for finding a job, or for advancement in the one you have.
If you dream that you found just the right job, good boss, good pay, and great hours, this is a warning that you had best be on the ball at work, so as not to lose your position.
Adding value, contributing to society, or making a difference in the world.
An agreement, commitment, or arrangement.
An ongoing process or activity.
An activity that feels like work, but isn’t or shouldn’t be.
A feeling or fear of being forced to do something or help out.
See Also: Working, Workplace, Interview, Promotion or Raise
[6]Dreams featuring your job are assisting you to process thoughts, feelings, challenges and unfinished business regarding your work and business relationships.
If you don’t have a job, then this dream may be helping you become clear about what type of job you should pursue.
See Also: Processing Dreams.
[7]1. Dissatisfied, unfulfilled sense of purpose—usually in life, sometimes emotionally (looking for a change of job).
2. An important task is coming (at work).
3. A better life is in the offing.
[8]Dreaming of being at work while asleep signifies either overwork, overinvolvement in one’s job, or a subconscious desire to be more productive in one’s professional life.
[9]Job related problems may be revealed, as well as answers; research details
[10]lucky numbers: 11-23-28-39-44-53
challenge, as a: a stepping-stone in the larger attitude of life.
drudgery, as: your perception rules your success or failure.
gaining a job after months of trying: wil find personal valuables of wealthy owner.
losing: prevent losing your temper with those you think responsible.