1- The image of a journey is a very- potent one in dream work. Anytime the idea of a journey becomes apparent, it is to do with the way that we carry on our everyday lives and how we move forward. Every step that we take towards understanding ourselves and the world we live in can be pictured in terms of a journey; and the dreams that a person has reflect that movement. In our ordinary everyday- speech we use idioms to suggest our understanding. We speak of the ups and downs of life, of being at a standstill and so on. Each moment is totally unique, and thai uniqueness is reflected in our dreams. Mostly dreams arc about the here and now and give a snapshot picture as to what is happening at this particular moment.
The images will reflect how we are feeling, what obstacles there are, possible courses of action and what our ultimate goal should or mav be.
The dream will bring in images from the past or recognisable scenes to help us interpret what is going on and move forward to meet our destiny.
Any sense of having completed a journey - arriving home, touching down and so on indicates the successful completion of our aims. Collisions represent arguments and conflicts which arc often caused by our own aggression.
A difficult journey now behind us means we have come through the difficulties and setbacks of the past.
The obstacles ahead indicates we are aware of the difficulties which may occur.
We do need to be aware that we ourselves create the problems. Our own attitude to life is perhaps responsible. Turning a corner shows we have accepted the need for a change of direction. We may have made a major decision. Avoiding an accident means we are able to control our impulses. Stopping and starting suggests there is conflict between laziness and drive. At a standstill/in a traffic jam indicates we arc being prevented, or are preventing ourselves, from moving forward. This needs handling with care, since to stop may be appropriate. Departing (departures from airports, stations, etc.) Formerly all departures were interpreted as death. Nowadays the symbolism is much more of a new- beginning. We are leaving the old life in order to undertake something new. When someone in outlives leaves us, wc may dream of departures and the grief’ that parting causes. In certain circumstances, to dream of wanting to leave but not being able to suggests that there is still further work to be done.
To be conscious of the time of departure might suggest that we are aware of a time limit within an area of our lives.
The destination, when it becomes apparent, will give some ideas about the aims and objectives we have. Our declared hopes and ideals may not correspond with those we subconsciously have our inner motivation may be totally- different to our outer behaviour and dreams will highlight this discrepancy.
The exact nature of our objective is often not known to us until after we have confronted the obstacles and challenges along the way.
It is often enough just to have an aim for that particular section of the journey.
Driving The whole of the symbolism of driving in dreams is particularly obvious. It represents our basic urges, wants and needs.
If we are driving we arc in control.
If we are not happy when someone else is driving we may not trust that person and may not wish to be dependent on them. When someone else takes over, we are becoming passive.
If we are overtaking the car in front, we are achieving success, but perhaps in a competitive manner. When we are overtaken, we may feel someone else has got the better of us. Once again the way we are in everyday life is reflected in the dream. Our drives, aggressions, fears and doubts arc all reflected in our driving.
Engine This represents the sexual impulse or instinctive drives, one’s basic motivation.
Passenger It will depend if we are a passenger in a vehicle or are carrying passengers.
If the former, we may feel that we are being carried along by circumstances, and have not really thought out our own way forward.
If the latter, we may have know- ingly or inadvertently made ourselves responsible for other people. Travelling with one other passenger suggests we may be considering our relationship with that person.
Road The road in a dream suggests our own individual way forward. Just as each individual vehicle demonstrates the dreamer’s body and external way of being, so the road reflects the way of doing. Any obstacle in the road will reflect difficulties on the chosen path. Any turns in the road will suggest changes of direction. Crossroads will offer choices, while a cul-de-sac would signify a dead end.
If a particular stretch of road is highlighted il may be a period of lime, or may mean an efTort. Going uphill will suggest extra effort while going downhill will suggest lack of conlrol. Traffic accidents and offences These may all be to do with sexuality or self image; perhaps we are not being careful to ensure that our conduct is good.
A collision might suggest a conflict with someone. Road rage would signify not being in control of our emolions and so on.
2- The type of transport may- suggest how we are moving through this particular stage of our lives. Previously the horse was used as an image to depict how we dealt with life. Nowadays the car, the aeroplane and so on have been substituted.
The vehicle which appears in our dreams often conforms with the view we hold of ourselves.
For instance, we may be driving a very basic type of car or a Rolls Roycc (One dreamer described an image he had as a Rolls Rovce that thinks it’s a Mini’). Such an image may represent either our physical body or our personality.
If the dreamer is driving he perhaps feels more in control of his own destinv.
If he is a passenger he may feel others are trying to control his life.
If he is with friends he may be aware of a group goal.
If he does not know the other people he may need to explore his ability to make social relationships. Aeroplane (See Also: individual entry) An aeroplane suggests a swift easy journey with some attention to detail. We may be embarking on a new sexual relationship.
An airman or pilot This is a romanticised picturc of either the Animus or of the Self (See Also: Inhvdiu tion). Bicycling This suggests youth and freedom, and perhaps the first stirrings of sexual awareness. Boats (and sea voyages) It will depend on what kind of boat is in the dream.
A small rowing boat would suggest an emotional journey but one done alone.
A yacht might suggest a similar journey clone with style, whereas a large ship would suggest creating new- horizons but in the company of others. What the boat does in the dream will have relevance as a reflection of our waking life, e.g. running aground, pulling into harbour etc. Making a long journey This suggests leaving friends and family as would running away to sea.
Disembarking The end of a project, successful or otherwise. Missing the boat We have not paid enough attention to detail in a project in our waking lives. Any narrow waterway or river suggests the birth experience. Ship A ship is usually taken as feminine because of its capricious- ness. Ferry, rowboat This holds all the symbolism of the journey across the River Styx after death.
It is the giving up of selfish desires.
After this we may be ‘reborn’ into a better life, or way of life. Bus (See Also: individual entry) A bus journey is that part of our lives where we are conscious of the need to travel and to be with other people. We perhaps have a common aim with them. Trouble with timetables, missing the bus, arriving too early, missing a connection We arc not in control of our lives and perhaps should sit down and replan how we wish to continue our lives. Getting on the wrong bus, going the wrong way There are conflicting desires and we need to listen to our own intuition. This is usually a warning of a wrong action. Not being able to pay the fare We do not have enough resources to set out on a particular course of action. It may be that we have not paid attention to detail.
Car (carriage, cart, chariot) (See Also: individual entries) The car is a reflection of the dreamer and how he or she handles life. It reflects the physical body, so anything wrong with the car will alert us to a problem.
For instance if the engine is not working properly we are not able to get up enough energy to go 011. If the starting motor was not working this would suggest that we need help to start a project.
It is for us to be able to translate the symbolism into our own lives. Even in everyday life it can be seen that a car is a reflection of a person’s self image and possibly sexuality. Any part of the car will have significance.
The back tyres might suggest the dreamer’s support system, the steering wheel the way we control our lives and so on.
If the brakes are not working we are not exercising proper control over our lives. Too many people in the car would suggest that we feel overloaded by responsibility. Lorry A lorry in a dream will have the same significance as a car. except that the drives and ambitions will be connected more with our work and how we relate on a business basis to the world in general.
Motorbike, motorcycle The motorbike is a symbol of masculine youth and daring. In dreams it is an image of independent behaviour, and is often a symbol for the sexual act. It can also be a symbol of freedom.
A Hell’s Angel would suggest some kind of anarchical behaviour. Trains A train will often highlight the dreamer’s attitude to social behaviour and relationships with other people. It will also clarify his attitude to himself.
A steam train would suggest that we feel ourselves to be outdated and obsolete, whereas an up-to-date electric turbo might suggest speed and efficiency. Catching the train shows we have successfully been able to have outside circumstances co-operate with us in achieving a particular goal. Missing the train We do not have the resources to enable us to succeed in an appropriate way either bccause we have forgotten something, or because we have not been sufficiently careful. We fear that we will miss an opportunity. Equally, we may feel that external circumstances are imposing an element of control over us. Often dreams of missing a train and then catching either it or a later one, suggest that we are managing our inner resources better. Dreams of missing a train alternating with those of catching one shows we are trying to sort out our motivation. Getting off the train before its destination We are afraid of succeeding at a particular project. This can also signify premature ejaculation. We do not appear to be in control. Getting off the train before it starts The dreamer has changed his mind about a situation in waking life. Railway lines and tracks will have significance as ways of getting us to our destination. Being conscious of the way the track runs ahead may give us an inkling as to what direction we arc going. Recognising the signals up ahead would have the same significance. Coming off the rails might suggest doing something inappropriate or of not being in control. Not wanting to be on the train might indicate we feel we are being unduly influenced by outside circumstances. Arriving at a station indicates we have completed a stage of our life journey. We may be ready for a new relationship with the world in general.
The carriages on a train suggest the various compartments or sections of our lives and the way we feel about them.
For example, if a carriage is untidy or dirty, we are aware that we need to ‘clean up’ an aspect of our lives.
Walk If in our dreams we are aware of having to walk, it usually suggests that we are capable of making a part of our life journey by ourselves without any help. Going for a walk We can enjoy the process of recharging our batteries and clearing our minds.
3- The image of a journey becomes more apparent as time goes on and death approaches. We become more aware of reaching our final destination.
[1](See Also: Travel)
(1) A journey may express a need or desire to escape from your present situation: external constraints or inner conflict. But dream journeys usually have a destination (see (2) and (3) below).
(2) Is it a journey to a sacred place? Psychologically speaking, this may mean either that you are now aware of your true self, as something not yet achieved but to be kept in mind always as the overriding goal; or, if the place is a sacred well or place of healing, that you now feel the need for psychic healing and wholeness.
(3) Is the destination not reached? Can’t you find the place although you’ve been before? The dream may be telling you that, although you may have caught fleeting glimpses of your true self, you have not let it become what it ought to be.
(4) A voyage of discovery to unknown - previously unvisited - lands probably means your unconscious is inviting you to make its acquaintance. The sea is a common symbol of the unconscious.
(5) Journeying with a companion (if of the same sex, your alter ego; if of the opposite sex, your anima / animus) or without one in unfamiliar territory and with feelings of terror and unpredictableness is an allegory of your own progress towards the fulfilling of your ‘destiny5, coming to terms with your own unconscious ‘shadow’, healing inner conflicts and expanding towards wholeness. Bits of that allegorical journey probably appear in most of your dreams, and will go on doing so.
(6) The journey in the dream may tell you what is actually happening in your life at present, or - less often - how you ought to live. For example, if the journey is a spiral climb and, near the summit, you get confused by the signposts, so that you never reach your destination, this is probably a reflection of a recurring pattern in your life. In such a case, you might find it helpful to relive the dream, only this time looking out for different options you might take at this or that juncture in the dream story. This could help build up a more positive and effective pattern of behaviour in your life.
[2]Psychological / emotional perspective: The image of a journey is a very potent one in dream work. Any time the idea of a journey becomes apparent, it is to do with the way that we carry on our everyday lives and how we move forward. Every step that we take towards understanding ourselves and the world we live in can be pictured in terms of a journey, and the dreams that a person has reflect that movement. Making a long journey, for example, suggests leaving friends and family, as would running away to sea. Making a short journey would be investigating an idea or principle in the short term.
A difficult journey now behind us means we have come through the difficulties and set-backs of the past. In our ordinary everyday speech we use idioms to suggest our understanding. We speak of the ups and downs of life, of being at a standstill and so on. Each moment is totally unique, and that uniqueness is reflected in our dreams. Mostly dreams are about the here and now and give a snapshot picture as to what is happening at this particular moment, on our individual journey and are therefore a rich source of information as to our psychological or inner state.
[3](See Also: Travel)
Esoterically, the development of the soul through a spiritual sojourn. Transitions in life, from one phase into another.
Situational dream caused directly by pondered or forthcoming travel plans.
A renewed focus on life’s lessons. In the East, the importance of a journey is not determined by the path taken, or the destination, but by what you leam along the way
Seafaring voyages represent diving into the subconscious or reconnecting with your Higher Self (See Also: Boat).
Mountain journeys symbolize concentrating on the mind and intellect (See Also: Climbing).
Also consider your mode of travel in these dreams for more insight.
For example, a journey by train affords time to take in the scenery, thereby also allowing you to take in what’s happening along the way.
[4]Material aspects: The images that appear in dreams will reflect how we are feeling, what obstacles there are, possible courses of action and what our ultimate goal should or may be in our everyday lives.
The dream will bring in images from the past or recognizable scenes to help us interpret what is going on and move forward to meet our destiny.
The mode of transport we use for our journey is also important. Consult the entry for transport. Some important images to do with journeys are as follows: avoiding an accident means we are able to control our impulses, whereas collisions or other such accidents represent arguments and conflicts which are often caused by our own aggression. Also consult the entry for accident.
[5]To dream that you go on a journey, signifies profit or a disappointment, as the travels are pleasing and successful or as accidents and disagreeable events take active part in your journeying.
To see your friends start cheerfully on a journey, signifies delightful change and more harmonious companions than you have heretofore known.
If you see them depart looking sad, it may be many moons before you see them again. Power and loss are implied.
To make a long-distance journey in a much shorter time than you expected, denotes you will accomplish some work in a surprisingly short time, which will be satisfactory in the way of reimbursement.
[6]Dreams of a journey, whether you are planning a trip, or are in the midst of one, forecast excitement, adventure, an open mind and a departure from your everyday life. This dream represents your willingness to do what it takes to move from one place in consciousness to another.
To dream of a journey signifies a change in your life direction, that you are open you to an unlimited, possibilities, and that you are you are going places, learning, growing, and preparing to meet new people. Perhaps this dream is also reflecting that you are exploring your inner self and traveling to new and different regions within your body, mind, and spirit.
[7]The idea of life being a journey or of journeying towards maturity is a large part of spiritual discipline. There is the hero’s journey as he (or she) discovers the meaning of life, overcomes challenges and reaches autonomy. In addition there is the journey as depicted by the major arcana in the tarot which illustrates the main processes that the incarnate soul (living being) goes through in the search for spirituality.
The image of a journey becomes more apparent as time goes on and death approaches. We become more aware of reaching our final destination.
[8]How we are feeling about our life and its ups and downs, goals and destinations, challenges and opportunities, undertakings we embark on, or expenences being met. In our life we have lots of journeys, such as through schooling; marriage and perhaps divorce; work; parenthood; and the overall journey of life and death.
See (where applicable) day and night for time of journey, car; train; boat; hill; airplane.
See Also: individuation.
[9]To dream that you are going on a journey is a good omen, symbolizing profits, self-discovery and progress.
The scenery you see in your journey will give you symbols of your feelings and circumstances you may be currently experiencing.
If you dream that your friends go on a journey, happy change and harmony are in store for your future.
[10]Dreaming about traveling in vehicles is very common. It represents our path in life or a part of our life’s journey and it may reflect some of our fear and anticipation.
For details, look up the particular vehicle.
See Also: Car, Boat, Airplane, Travel
[11]A change in your circumstances is shown, but the details of the Journey will show the result.
If your voyage is a pleasant one, all will be for the best; but if the road is rough, or the weather stormy, then be careful.
[12]This indicates that there will be a great change in conditions and circumstances. Good journey indicates good conditions and bad journey with troubles indicates a bad life.
[13]Exploration of self; discovering new aspects of self through experiences in living. The life process from birth to death.
[14]A dream of a pleasant journey is a joyful augury. It denotes a change in your life that will work out for the better.
[15]1. Profit in the offing.
2. Disappointment (unpleasant journey).
3. Spiritual adventure.
[16]A long distance trip away from daily pressures, even if only in a dream, is beneficial
[17]See Also: Travels
[18]lucky numbers: 26-30-33-37-38-41
enemies: failure of enemies; bury them before they threaten you again.
failing to reach goal on a: change what you have the power to and move on.
others: business worries wil take long plodding to straighten out.
going on a: wil carry out your purposes and gain profits as journey is unpleasant.
armed with a sword at your side: wil soon get married.
disagreeable: growth or disregard, depending upon your perception.
walking all the way: hard work is ahead; pleasant profits gained from the journey.
long, a: a nervous disorder requiring medical consultation.
on a rough road: everything wil turn out wel , speedier than required.
horseback, on: wil surmount your disagreeable obstacles with your active power.
planning a, but not going: focus energies on one thing you do wel and proceed.
relatives: wil go into debt for frivolous, useless trivia.
steamer, taking a, by: companions are more congenial than ever before.
plane: family quarrels.
stormy weather on a, having: malcontented and thwarted hopes sabotage your wholeness.
[19](See Also: Return)