If you dream of jugs well filled with transparent liquids, your welfare is being considered by more than yourself. Many true friends will unite to please and profit you.
If the jugs are empty, your conduct will estrange you from friends and station. Broken jugs, indicate sickness and failures in employment.
If you drink wine from a jug, you will enjoy robust health and find pleasure in all circles. Optimistic views will possess you.
To take an unpleasant drink from a jug, disappointment and disgust will follow pleasant anticipations.
[1]Dreams of a jug are symbolic of your ability to nurture yourself. Consider the contents of the jug.
If the jug is empty, then you are dealing with an unfulfilled need and you are coming to terms with how to fill it.
If the jug is full, then you have the ability to wet your whistle and quench your own thirst for creative stimulation, fun, excitement, and nurturing.
[2]To dream of filled jugs signifies a joyful gathering of friends.
To see empty jugs in your dream portends a rift between you and your friends that is your fault.
To see broken jugs in your dream signifies poor health and professional failures.
[3]1. Friendship; a full jug indicates many friends or friends of good quality.
2. Health and/or employment; a broken jug may indicate possible illness or work-related problems.
3. Exciting new adventures (a broken jug).
[4]It is a container where a liquid that represents material or spiritual goods is stored. The jug’s condition: full, empty, broken, or spilled, will reflect the particular situation of the dreamer in real life. (See Also: BOTTLE)
[5]To dream of drinking liquor from a jug predicts that you will be lucky in the next lottery for which you buy a ticket.
[6]According to the type and contents; a person inside a jug is incarcerated; see “can”
[7]For one to dream of drinking out of a jug, is a sign of going on a journey; if the .jng be large, the journey will be long; if small, the journey will be short; and so, if the liquid drunk be pleasant, go will the journey; and if unpleasant, the journey will be full of troubles.
[9]lucky numbers: 01-14-19-30-31-41
already broken: an angry exchange whether fortune is good or bad.
breaking a: wil be assigned a thankless task that entails extensive work.
drinking out of a: much health and strength to get you through next phase.
water: a mystery wil reveal optimism and fresh chal enging ventures.
distasteful: find pleasure in al circles, along with disgust in some.
having a: loss of money because of another’s sickness and failure.
[10](See Also: Water jug)