To dream of your knees represents a form of assistance and guidance that will be bestowed on you. It also refers to any emotional feeling you may have, as well as feelings of incompetence and issues of influence and control. It further suggests you may be overwhelmed with your daily responsibilities and obligations.
[1]Dreaming that you are crawling in front of someone is a sign of submission. It also reflects a feeling of inferiority. Generally, knees symbolize the social position of the dreamer. (See Also: LEGS)
Dreaming of knees is an omen of misfortune. Further, if they hurt it foretells terrible calamity.
To see or admire someones knees means you will meet an attractive stranger.
To be down on your knees means you will shortly have to ask someone’s forgiveness.
[3]Many admirers but no proposals are predicted to & woman who dreams that she has beautiful knees.
[4]The knees are symbolic of prayer and supplication, and of emotional commitment.
[5]See Also: body parts metaphors.
[6]lucky numbers: 02-17-26-40-42-44
animals, of: hard work awaits.
bandaged, a: take things easy on a long journey.
bent: long il ness has made stiff pain and fearful calamity.
dimpled: liaison with a foreigner wil not woo you to marriage.
dislocated, having a: things wil take a turn for the worse before they get better.
falling on the: the last resort against your rapid dissolution of fortune.
knock-kneed, being: are made a scapegoat for another’s il luck.
another: criticism of another is aimed at you but misses.
own, being badly injured: wil suffer humiliation of your ardent hopes.
slightly: affairs wil turn out al right eventual y.
quaking: recovery from sins takes kneeling before God.
recovering from a cut: fortune and joy.
swollen, a: are surrounded by unhelpful advice.