1- To hear knocking in a dream generally alerts us to the fact that our attention needs to be re- focused. We may be paying too much attention to one part of our personality.
For instance, we maybe too introverted when in fact we need to be paying more attention to external matters.
2- If we ourselves are knocking on a door, we may be wanting to become part of someone’s life. We are waiting for permission before moving forward.
3- We arc being given permission from our spiritual self to progress on our current spiritual journey.
[1]Hearing a knock in a dream is often the subconscious mind’s way of getting our attention. You are not noticing something important, or there is something within you that you need to heed.
If the dreamer is doing the knocking, it represents a desire to get attention.
[2]One’s attention called to whatever is knocking Some aspect of self, or a realisation, is asking to be let into consciousness. Knocking: trying to get attention; wanting to be allowed into someone’s life; sexual act.
[3]If you were doing the knocking, the dream is warning you against loose talk and/or companions; however, if you merely heard the knocking (or saw others doing it), it represents the sound of approaching money.
[4]Dreams of a knock signify that an opportunity is forthcoming. Identify who or what is knocking at the door; this will inform you as to the opportunity that is coming into your life.
[5]Pay attention to what you are doing; opportunity knocks.
[6]Seeking permission for an invitation
[7](Door) Knocking on one’s door in a dream means a fight waged by an intruder.