If you find yourself being talked to in a language you don’t understand or that doesn’t make sense, the dream may tell of your concerns about missing the point in regard to some element in your waking life.
If you are speaking in a new language, this suggest that you need to broaden your horizons. Perhaps you need to take on a new challenge or embark on a new adventure.
If an interpreter appears in your dream, this may suggest that you need to have something explained to you.
If you are doing the interpreting yourself, perhaps someone in your life is relying too heavily on you in social situations and this is placing too much responsibility on you.
If your speech is broken or you cannot get the words out in your dream, this reveals insecurity about your communication skills.
If code language is involved in your dream, try to remember the code signals and see if they have any relevance to your waking life. Finally, if you or a character in your dream says something totally out of character or unexpected, this may be giving rise to something you aren’t yet ready to say to yourself or to hear. For example, if your best friend tells you that you are going to fail your driving test, perhaps this indicates that your friend isn’t as supportive of you as you like to think they are. Alternatively, these surprising words may reflect your own self-doubt, or that old issues and negative voices from your past are coming back to haunt you.
[1]1- Hearing foreign or strange language in dreams illustrates some kind of communication, either from within or from the Collective Unconscious. It has not yet become clcar enough for us to understand it.
2- As we become more open to possibilities, the various facets of our personality can achieve their own method of communication with us. This is often experienced in dreams as strange language, and often comes across as sleep-talking.
3- In Spiritualism, hearing language is communication by discar- natc beings.
[2]If you dream of speaking a language you are learning, then your learning is becoming expedited. Also, if you dream of speaking the language of a field of study that is foreign to you, such as physics, rocket science, or Windows XP, then this demonstrates the intelligence and wisdom of your mind, and that you are realizing that you are connected to the one mind.
Overhearing or being spoken to in an unfamiliar language in a dream can symbolize anything we are having difficulty understanding in other parts of our life. Alternatively, another part of our mind might be trying to communicate something to us that we don’t quite understand.
[4]Hearing or reading a language you don’t understand can represent: The idea of not being able to understand something you need to know.
Communication trouble in real life (or a fear of such).
See Also: Writing, Words, Text, Garbled, Accent
[5]If you dream that you are studying a language, or speaking a foreign language, you are having difficulties expressing your thoughts.
[6]1. Difficulties in communication.
2. An inability to understand, awkwardness in social situations.
[7](Tongue, Speaking, Speech) Speaking the language of another people in a dream may represent their country or culture. Speaking Arabic in a dream means honor and dignity. Speaking Persian in a dream means associating with a higher class ofpeople and benefitingfrom them in business. SpeakingHebrew in a dream means receiving an inheritance. SpeakingTurkish in a dream means hearing pleasing words. Speaking Italian in a dram means eagerness to amass money. SpeakingFrench in a dreammeansdrawingbenefits from one’s profession. Speaking English in a dream means love for the world.
If one can speak in all tongues in a dream, it means that he will acquire wealth, strength and fame.
[8]lucky numbers: 07-12-20-34-51-52
foreign, learning a: get assistance, rather than aggravation, from your dreams.
children: should practice modesty with your investments.
interpreter, being an: are not putting across ideas coherently.
needing an interpreter and one appears: was message understandable?
speaking in a foreign: are too muddled and confused to be understood.
hearing others: an unfavorable turn wil make you a victim of circumstances.
in own: break through your inhibitions to state your view.