Material aspects: A leap suggests a particular kind of action, both taking a calculated risk in facing danger, and movement that is somewhat exaggerated – a running jump rather than a standing start. These conditions in an everyday project can be symbolized in dreams. In that a leap year changes the measurement of time, causing fixed festival days to ‘leap’ ahead one day in the week, this image suggests that we may need to adjust a schedule. Also consult the entry for jumping for further information.
[1]Psychological / emotional perspective: Leaping in dreams suggests a longer or more difficult action than a simple jump. Emotionally it signifies the need for courage or conversely a degree of foolhardiness.
[2]Making a leap of faith suggests a degree of trust in whatever we might consider to be a divine plan.
[3]Totally and enthusiastically complying with something
[4]See Also: Jump.
[5]Frocy or a man to dream he plays at leap-frog, is bad : from many causes, troubles and vexations will soon overtake him. If a maiden has this dream, it signifies that her lover is inconstant.
[6]lucky numbers: 14-17-23-25-39-45
failing back from a: life wil be almost intolerable without social prestige.
high, making a: wil come out of present danger with a promotion.
of leaping: are very inconsistent in your love affairs.
into water: wil be persecuted and lose your present position.
others: wil overcome enemies with perseverance.
over a ditch: an enemy is seeking your loss in a lawsuit.
[7](See Also: Jumping)