The left side suggests the less dominant, more passive side. Often it is taken to represent all that is dark and sinister and those parts of our personality that we try to suppress. It is, however, more to do with instinctive behaviour, what feels good inside, and with personal behaviour without attention to moral codes.
The left side is supportive in expression, and receptive by nature, so anything appearing in dreams on the left side can be accepted as a symbol of support. Any pain experienced on the left side is interpreted in terms of sensitivity.
The left expresses the more feminine attributes and often the past. Any conflict between right and left indicates the differences between logic and intuition. Indecision over left or right suggests an inability to decide whether to rely on drive or instinct. Feelings of being left behind suggest a sense of inadequacy, of disintegration and of having to leave the past behind.
[1]Vision: Left is a symbol of the feminine. Making a left turn means that the women in your life will “show the way.” It also means that you will gain greater insight.
Depth Psychology: Left: be cautious because it is the dark and mysterious side.
The “road to the left” is always dangerous, because left stands for the unconscious, destructive, and irrational within us.
Dreaming of being paralyzed on the left side says you are operating too much from intellect and reason and that you should try to strengthen your emotional, intuitive side. See
[2]If you have a dream that strongly features the left side of something, or taking a left turn or direction, it means you will achieve all your goals if you persevere, even though you will encounter minor obstacles on the way.
If you are a right-handed person but you dream of being left-handed, you may face an awkward personal situation or a dangerous rival.
If you actually are left-handed, the dream is a good omen of better luck ahead. Dreams that strongly feature your left hand (using it or looking at it) predict frustrations and minor difficulties.
[3](See Also: Anticlockwise)
The left side of the body represents heart, emotions, unconscious factors, intuition. Movement from right to left, or anticlockwise, symbolizes moving over from reason to intuition, from conscious to unconscious, etc. (Movement to the left is contrary’ to the way of the sun, which is a symbol of consciousness.)
[4]Dreams of your left side represent your feminine side; feeling connected to your right brain, which is creative, receptive, intuitive, and also connected with your inner child, your most honest self.
The left also symbolizes compassion, democracy, liberal politics, and creative solutions.
[5]Logical, male Legs-Support and movement. Light-Hope, protection, safety, enlightenment, illumination Lines-Broken lines represent feminine aspect. Solid lines, the masculine aspect. Attachments, as in lines of force.
[6]The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body. It represents our instinctive, artistic, and intuitive side.
An ancient belief says that the Devil appears to the left of people to tempt them.
[7]The side where the heart is, the emotional area of the dreamer, and also the feminine aspect. It rarely has political meaning. Sometimes, it is injustice. According to Freud, it is perversity.
See Also: Right.
[8]1. Sinister, opposite of right or good.
2. Change toward the progressive.
3. Repressed thoughts or emotions; passivity.
4. Prosperity (left-handed writing).
[9]1. Spiritual What you are called to do;
2. Weakness (of people);
3. God’s strength or ability demonstrated through people’s weakness; rejection.
[10]Dreaming of the left side or left direction indicates you need to listen to your subconscious side.
[11]Turning to the left during a dream can symbolize the path of foolishness, Eccl. 10:2
[12]The intellectual or rational; the left hand is the receiving hand.
[13]A situation or circumstance that is not right