Rustling: An omen or portent from the Universe to which you should listen closely.
The ancient Greeks used the sound of rustling leaves from the sacred oak tree in Dodona as an oracular method.
(See Also: Fruit, Juice, Trees)
Eating a lemon or drinking lemonade may reflect the need for cleansing and purification of your body. Lemon has a natural purgative quality.
Adoration, commitment, fidelity, and romance. In the Middle Ages, lemons were a common component in love potions.
If a woman dreams of lemons, it portends good luck in relationships.
A sour attitude.
Clever uses of adversity (e.g., “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade”).
[1]Vision: Eating a lemon: expect trouble in an official matter. Looking at a squeezed lemon: people are taking advantage of you and you can do nothing about it.
Depth Psychology: Are you mad? At yourself or at others? No matter how sour the lemon is, the juice is very good for you. Maybe your anger is justified and emotionally healthy, because you are venting it. Does your body need more vitamin C?
[2]Dreams of a lemon represent beauty and bounty.
A lemon can also represent bitterness, jealousy, envy, and the pain of not being recognized or of being skipped over. In addition, a lemon can also represent that you are processing a deal that has gone awry or of a situation that has failed to fulfill your expectations.
[3]See Also: Fruit. You are “sour” and / or feeling funny. This might also point in part to the body’s need for more vitamin C. On the other hand, it may refer to an • intrinsic worthlessness, as in the car that is a “lemon.”
[4]To dream of eating or sucking on a lemon, foretells social difficulties or embarrassment.
If the lemon in your dream was being squeezed, it indicates upcoming money problems and a need for saving cash.
[5]Sucking on a lemon in a dream may represent that an opportunity has gone sour.
A lemon may also comment on something of inferior quality, as in having been sold a lemon.
[6]1. Health and prosperity.
2. A need or desire for cleansing, possible health issue.
3. Use caution in financial matters.
[7]Anything that is considered a bad deal, i.E.
A new car, etc., That doesn’t run properly
[8]Poor quality. Also, cleansing, healing agent.
See Also: Yellow.
[9]1. Sour issue which one has become bitter; Job 7:11b.
[10]See Also: food fruit trees metaphors.
[11]See Also: Fruits.
[12]Eating a lemon in a dream means blame or falling sick. However, if one sees a lemon and does not eat it in the dream, then it means money. Giving someone a lemon in a dream means criticizing him, or it could mean a bust, total loss, or a bad deal.
(See Also: Lemon tree, Lemon, Tree)