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Lightning Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 36 Unique Sources About Lightning

lightning image

Universal Landscape: Sudden awareness or enlightenment born of divergent, confronting ideas.

Dreaming Lens: Where was the flash of lightning in your dream? Were you witnessing from a safe distance, or were you in danger? Were you indoors or outdoors? Were you actually struck by the lightning?

Personal Focus: Imagine you are in a dark field at night; you can’t see where you are at all. Suddenly, there is a flash of lightning. For that brief moment, you can see everything around you. You see where it is safe to move and where it might be dangerous. Avoid the cliff off to your left. If you go too far to the right, you might be carried away by the rushing river. The lightning abates and you are plunged back into darkness once more. However, now you have the awareness of where you are and can navigate with much more confidence and surety. This is the essence of lightning.

Also consider how lightning is formed. Thick clouds contain both positive and negative charges. The positive charges gather on the top of the clouds and the negative charges drop to the bottom. When they are thrust together by the right weather conditions, the reaction of opposites explodes in an electrical charge of great violence. Therefore, lightning represents the flashes of brilliant awareness that come when polar opposite views come crashing together. These contradictory views should cancel each other out. However, what actually happens is that they reveal a brand new viewpoint that would otherwise have not been knowable.

At this point in time, there is no definitive theory as to why lightning forms. This scientific ambiguity must, therefore, be figured into the meaning of the image. In this way, the awareness and enlightenment that lighting symbolically brings is, ultimately, mysterious in origin.

Another nuance to the meaning of lightning comes from a little known fact. The most brilliant flash that we see when lightning strikes doesn’t actually come from the sky. It is, in fact, a reactive charge that emanates from the ground and moves upward in response to the initial charge that starts in the clouds above. To use this distinction in your interpretation, remember that the initial spark of awareness may come from the heavens and, therefore, be associated with higher thinking or spiritual origins. But don’t forget that the full charge of enlightenment comes from the ground, representing knowledge that was already present in human consciousness. It just needed a divine reminder to initiate it into full expression.

How you experience the lightning in your dream is key to your interpretation. If it is harmful or feels dangerous, then your dream is reflecting Shadow material. This could be anything that inspires the kind of fear that comes from gaining knowledge or information; as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. Look to where you are being guided to choose a path that you are resisting, even though you may know it is your highest choice. If you are delighted by the beauty of the lightening, then your unconscious may be expressing gratitude for the sudden new awareness that is present or right over the horizon. (See Also: Thunder.)


You are being inspired by sudden awareness or enlightenment born of divergent, confronting ideas. Consider how lightning is formed. Thick clouds contain both positive and negative charges.

The positive charges gather on the top of the clouds and the negative charges drop to the bottom. When they are thrust together by the right weather conditions, the reaction of opposites explodes in an electrical charge of great violence. Therefore, lightning represents the flashes of brilliant awareness that come when polar- opposite views come crashing together. These contradictory views should actually cancel each other out. However, what actually happens is that they reveal a brand-new viewpoint that would otherwise have not been knowable. How you experience the lightning in your dream is key to your interpretation.

If it is harmful or feels dangerous, then your dream is reflecting shadow material. This could be anything that might inspire the kind of fear that comes from gaining knowledge or information; as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. Look to where you are being guided to choose a path that you are resisting even though you may know it is your highest choice.

If you are delighted by the beauty of the lightning, then your unconscious may be expressing gratitude for the sudden new awareness that is present or right over the horizon.


1- Lightning in a dream denotes unexpected changes, which arc taking place or are about to take place. These may come about through some type of realisation or revelation. Often such a revelation has the effect of knocking down the structures we have built in as safeguards in our lives. Altcrnativelv. we may have to make changes in the way we think while leaving our everyday structure and relationships in placc. Lightning can also indicate strong passion such as love which may strike suddenly but be devastating in its effect.

2- When we dream of lightning we are marking a discharge of tension in some way. There may be a situation in our everyday lives which actually has to be blasted in order for something to happen which will change the circumstances. This may seem like a destructive act 011 our part, but is nevertheless necessary If we take all the known facts into account, our intuition will make us aware of the correct action.

3- Spiritually, lightning denotes some form of spiritual enlighten- merit. This may be the sudden realisation of a personal truth, or of a more universal awareness. Literally something which had not ‘struck us’ before. In dreams a lightning flash can also represent the Holy Spirit.


Lightning in your dreams, foreshadows happiness and prosperity of short duration.

If the lightning strikes some object near you, and you feel the shock, you will be damaged by the good fortune of a friend, or you may be worried by gossipers and scandalmongers.

To see livid lightning parting black clouds, sorrow and difficulties will follow close on to fortune.

If it strikes you, unexpected sorrows will overwhelm you in business or love.

To see the lightning above your head, heralds the advent of joy and gain.

To see lightning in the south, fortune will hide herself from you for awhile.

If in the southwest, luck will come your way. In the west, your prospects will be brighter than formally. In the north, obstacles will have to be removed before your prospects will brighten up.

If in the east, you will easily win favors and fortune. Lightning from dark and ominous-looking clouds, is always a forerunner of threats, of loss and of disappointments. Business men should stay close to business, and women near their husbands or mothers; children and the sick should be looked after closely.


Symbolizes creative and destructive strength of the divine. It indicates a potent flux of energy that could be beneficial if linked to water, or devastating if it strikes someone in its path. The image of lightning is associated with that of the storm, the violent force of rain and wind that parallely destroy, impregnate, and purify. It manifests a difficult and turbulent moment that overcomes the calm.

It is possible that you have been surprised by the circumstances. On the other hand, lightning can destroy, but it can also show its great brilliance and illumination. In this case, it could represent the ideas and inspiration that you have. Also, lightning suggests that that forces that control your life will be under your control.

Even in the most ancient mythological stories gods of thunder and lightning appeared.

It is believed that their origin is the divinities of the neolithic man. Like many other prominent symbols from archaic myths, lightning possesses sexual connotations. When lightning fills the sky, it represents Mother Earth being impregnated by the gods of the sky.


Symbol: Lightning is a symbol of the powerful and swift fires of the heavens.

Vision: Dreaming about lightning always points to unpleasant things to come, maybe on the job. Getting hit by lightning means an impending illness or annoying issues; it can also be a timely warning, allowing you to prevent the above. Seeing a quick bolt of lightning, followed by Thunder might indicate sudden, unusual events on the job, or good fortune. Feeling the pain of being struck by lightning: bad news or unexpected hardships will uhit you like lightning.” Seeing a lightning storm means good fortune and new chances.

See Also: Weather. Lightning striking your House: expect financial losses, sometimes health problems.

See Also: Fire.

Depth Psychology: Lightning symbolizes a sudden discharge of inner tension. It also can be a sign of “lightning-quick insights” (sudden recognition of certain connections, or the solution to a problem). Sometimes it might also be a sudden fear of punishment or the revenge of another person.


(1) Lightning may be a sexual symbol. Compare the mythological image of the sky-god impregnating the earth-goddess with a flash of lightning. On the other hand, lightning striking the earth may represent consciousness penetrating the unconscious - in which case your dream is probably urging you to explore the hidden parts of yourself.

(2) It may symbolize a ‘flash’ of insight or inspiration.

(3) It may symbolize punishment: ‘the wrath of the gods’.

If so, you may have a guilt-complex that needs sorting out. However, not all guilt-feelings are neurotic; your dream may be telling you you have done something wrong.

If lightning strikes you, or something that may symbolize you (e.g. a house), the dream message may be either that you need to demolish your current self-image in favour of one that corresponds more closely to your true self or that your current lifestyle or pattern of behaviour is threatening your true self.


If lightning is only illuminating the sky—a sudden idea. On November 16, 1619, Descartes had a dream and, among other things, saw lightning, which showed him that he now had found his own method of understanding.

Lightning as a natural occurrence indicates a repressed effect, denial that wants to be expressed or lived out through sudden aggressive action; an uncontrolled release of great energies. Fighting (“lighting into somebody”).

According to Artemidorus, the 2nd century dream interpreter, a good omen.

According to Freud, a phallic symbol. Jung also stated that everything that strikes something has to be interpreted as a phallic symbol.


Material aspects: Lightning in a dream denotes unexpected changes, which are taking place or are about to take place. This may be the sudden realization of a personal truth, or of a more universal awareness. Often such a revelation has the effect of knocking down the structures we have built in as safeguards in our lives. Alternatively, we may have to make changes in the way we think while leaving our everyday structure and relationships in place. Lightning can also indicate strong passion – such as love – which may strike suddenly but be devastating in its effect. You might also like to consult the entries for thunder / thunderbolts and weather.


(See Also: Clouds, Disasters, Fire, Rain, Storms)

A phallic symbol. In ancient legends, lightning fertilized the womb of the abyss to begin creation.

Destruction and ruin.

The Tarot cards depict a tower being torn asunder by lightning.

The interpretation of the Tower card is devastation.

Hie flash and energy of inspiration.

Divine or righteous wrath. In African traditions, a person who survives being struck by lightning is banished because it’s considered a sign of serious divine judgment. Many European cultures depicted the gods’ anger similarly with lightning.


A feeling of or fear of punishment.

A perceived or imagined uncontrollable force.

God, or other authority figure.

An insight or realization.

A rare event, or an event that seems against all odds.

A sudden change (such as something that changes your outlook or way of thinking).

Danger, especially from an unpredictable threat.

Targeted destruction.

A feeling or fear of bad luck.



Electricity or excitement (as in “there’s electricity in the air”).

See Also: Electricity, Storm, Cloud, Electrocute


Lightning represents energy and a fantastic, altering force.

It is generally a positive dream symbol which represents the dreamers “awakened” state of consciousness. At times, a sudden shift in awareness, or unpredictable news, may shock us and leave us feeling anxious. However, enlightenment of any kind has long term positive implications. When interpreting this dream, make attempts to connect it to important and highly charged events from your daily life which have suddenly occurred or come into your awareness.

See Also: Storm


Luck like a boh from the blue will surely follow a dream of this electrical phenomenon of nature, unless it was accompanied by rain and thunder, in which case it is still an omen of good luck, but in this case it will be preceded by a period of anxiety.

Heat lightning forecasts exciting social events; a lightning rod featured in your dream indicates possible interference in your current plans due to hidden jealousy.

Be careful about where you place your confidence.


Psychological / emotional perspective: When we dream of lightning we are marking a discharge of tension in some way. There may be a situation in our everyday lives that actually needs to be ‘blasted’ – apparently negatively – in order for something to happen which will change the circumstances.

If we take all the known facts into account, our intuition will make us aware of the correct action.


Unexpected changes; discharge of tension, per­haps destructively, expression of wider awareness; intuition; conscience. Killed by lightning: life changes occurring. Light­ning struck tree: death in some form.

Sometimes information leading to a realisation builds up over time, but in a flash is put together forming a new, per­haps life-changing, insight which may be depicted by light­ning.

See Also: aura.


To dream of lightning denotes increased awareness, perception, and cleansing. Alternatively, lightning may reflect an unexpected turn of events. It reflects the many uncontrollable interacting forces present in your waking life.

To dream that you are struck by lightning symbolizes changes in your life that are more permanent. Your dream is a life-changing journey – a transformation.


If you see strong lightning in your dream you will find yourself the recipient of a fantastic moneymaking idea that really works. and if you see lightning flash from the sky and strike an object you will have a stroke of good luck. Weak lightning flashes denote general good fortune to the dreamer.


Lightning may represent God’s power piercing the earth. It may signify an awakening to God’s power. In Christian symbolism, lightning may signify God s wrath coming down from the heavens. It may also represent the power of the light spearing the earth, manifesting spirit into matter.


Spiritually, lightning denotes some form of spiritual enlightenment, literally something which had not ‘struck us’ before. In dreams, a lightning flash can also represent the holy spirit or the travelling of energy through the various planes of existence into manifestation.


Trouble brought about by a woman you have been close to (though not a relative).

To see lightning strike a tree or a building means you will be involved in a court case brought by this woman.

See Also: Rain, Thunder, Lightning.


A very positive omen implying a major stroke of good luck coming your way in the near future. Even if the lightning was accompanied by rain and thunder, it is still a positive omen, but positive events will be preceded by a period of anxiety.


This also is a favourable dream, though you will have to face worries, as indicated by the dark clouds from which Nature’s unexpected Light is poured. Persevere and you are certain of success.


Dreams of lightning or of a lightning bolt symbolize masculine virility, a sudden realization, a great idea, or change, as well as a reminder that you are connected with the divine.


Lightning in a dream means you will find out something surprising about someone close to you, that could cause you to see them in a whole new way.


Lightning can symbolize sudden awareness (“like a bolt of lightning”) as well as purification and purging through the flash of light.


1. Sudden inspiration, revelation.

2. Feelings of sudden disaster.

3. Sudden change in the offing, usually in a situation.


It is bad tuck to dream that you are struck by lightning for it is a forerunner of sorrow tn love, family, or business affairs.


Whether sheet or chain lightning, this dream foretells a sudden and pronounced improvement in your affairs.


it is [interpreted as] a treasurer of the king / sovereign & enemy, admonition & mercy, straight path.


Lightning is a symbol of love; also a desire of the dreamer to thrust that love upon someone.


Forceful, powerful energy; awakening of kundalini or life force.


A warning of a sudden, unexpected problem that is approaching


Symbolic of supernatural power, Ezek. 1:14


1. Majesty of God. (Dan 10:6.


To dream of lightning without tempest, and falling near without touching the body, signifies change of place. If a man dreams he sees lightning fall before him, it will hinder his travelling. But if you dream that you are all burned and consumed with lightning, it is death to the dreamer.


lucky numbers: 14-20-21-47-51-54

bolt of, followed by thunder: your bolt from the blue of spiritual insight is now.

of: a chance to solve unpleasant problem leads to high honors.

rod on roof: obstruction from an obscure, mysterious source.

storm, a: the mystery wil be solved by your purification and purging.

striking a house: impending il ness if not checked in this early stage.

at night: quarrelsome revenge of a stranger.

killing animals in a field: idea flashes wil change structure of plan.

trees: sudden revelation of the source of discord between partners.

struck by, being: a vivid warning of an approaching ambush.

others: wil meet a lustful woman for only a short duration.

pain from: unexpected severe weather wil cause hardships.

water: success is certain, after sudden awareness dissolves tension.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  2. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  3. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  4. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  5. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  6. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  7. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  8. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  9. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  10. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  11. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  12. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  13. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  14. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  15. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  17. Encyclopedia of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  18. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  20. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  21. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  22. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  23. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  24. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  25. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  26. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  27. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  28. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  29. Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik by [Back to dream]
  30. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  31. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  32. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  33. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  34. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  35. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  36. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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