A locker (such as at school or the gym) can represent: Security, especially of tangible or intangible things that are important to you or your success.
Privacy or ownership.
Having authority over one small area within a larger area (such as being responsible for one aspect of a group project).
Looking for something in your locker can represent a desire for something (answers, information, etc.) or searching for something you’re missing or you’ve lost (your identity, motivation, etc.).
Cleaning out or organizing your locker could represent cleaning out or re-prioritizing some aspect of your life (or a desire to do so).
Not being able to unlock your locker can represent feeling stressed, afraid things won’t go well, wanting to do well, or holding yourself back somehow.
See Also: Cabinet, Storage, Lock, Security, Privacy, Unlocking
[1]To see or use a locker in your dream, signifies aspects of yourself which you have kept hidden inside. Consider what items are inside the locker.
Dreaming of a school locker also denotes hidden feelings that you should recognize in yourself, or knowledge you should learn. Also see “Locker Combination”, below.
[2]1. Secrets and/or hidden aspects of personality.
2. Long hidden or repressed emotions or problems (to see a school locker).
3. A phase of uncertainty, confusion (to be unable to open a locker).