Make-up in dreams signifies the appearance we present to others, as well as the ability to change the impression we make on others.
If you are a woman and you were pleased with your make-up in your dream, your unconscious may be signaling your waking confidence about your appearance. The opposite is true if you disliked your dream make-up. We wear make-up for many reasons to enhance our appearance, to disguise spots and to attract other people.
If you are applying make-up in your dream, what are you trying to hide from others or yourself? If you are painting yourself with body paint in your dream, this is more intimate than wearing a disguise and may relate to your most intimate feelings; the color you are using will be significant.
Your dream may also have focused on one aspect of your face—your lips, for instance.
If so, what are you trying to say in waking life? In Freudian terms, lipstick suggests passionate sexuality, particularly if the dream features a long stick of lipstick caressing lips that represent female genitalia. A woman dreaming of using lipstick signals a desire to attract the attention of a potential lover, but for a man to dream of using lipstick indicates that he might adopt a more feminine approach to a problem in his waking life, perhaps by trusting his instincts more.
If the lipstick appears to be smearing, this may suggest a fear of sexuality or sexual violence. Whether you are a man or woman, if the dream scenario portrayed you as anxiously trying to cover spots and blemishes, are you trying to present a different face to others in waking life?
If you have a suntan in your dream, or are applying suntan cream, your dream may be warning you that you are at risk of getting burned in waking life, or that you are paying too much attention to your appearance. Decorating your body with a tattoo has a similar meaning to body paint, but the important difference is whether or not the tattoo is permanent or temporary.
If the tattoo was temporary, do you need to pay more attention to your image? If the tattoo was a name or a symbol, the reference may not be to the image but to your desire to create a permanent memory in waking life.
If you are having a tattoo removed in your dream, you need to accept that some things in life are difficult and painful to move away from. And what motif is your tattoo in the dream and for which part of the body was it destined? The symbolism of both motif and body part will be significant.
[1]General Meaning: The image that you intentionally present to the world.
• Positive: As a woman, dreaming of wearing beautiful make-up speaks of reflecting the beauty on the outside that you already have on the inside.
• Make-up is also clearly a feminine thing and if you are not one to wear makeup and dream that you are, the Lord is trying to tell you that it is time to let out some of your femininity.
• If you dream that you are wearing make-up that you do not usually wear, then the Lord is saying that it is time to change the way that you present yourself to the world.
Negative: Stripped • If you dream that your make-up has been removed, it means that you have lost your self-confidence and have given up trying to present yourself correctly.
• It means that you, as a woman are feeling stripped and bare.
• As a Man • If you are a man and dream you are putting on make-up then clearly the Lord is saying that you are trying to be something that you are not! That your representation of yourself is too feminine.
• It could also be a warning dream to say that you have rejected your masculinity and that it is time to embrace it again.
• Fussing Over Make-up • If you dream that you keep trying to apply your make-up correctly but that you cannot this is also negative.
If you are getting stressed in the dream and • running out of time, the Lord is telling you that you are too worried with externals.
• He is saying that you are making too much of a fuss with what people see on the outside and about ‘getting things right’ than simply shining out from the beauty within.
See also: Dress, Hair.
[2]See Also: Cosmetics
1- Make-up normally indicates our ability to change the impression we make on others.
If we are making ourselves up it can very often indicate a happy occasion. We need to put on a facade for people we may even need to put on a facade for ourselves - so that we feel better about our own self- image.
If we are making someone else up, then often we arc helping them to create a false or perhaps better impression.
2- To be dealing with make-up means that we have a choice as to the sort of person we want to be. We can choose our outward appearance and can create an impression that perhaps is different from the one we naturally make use of.
3- Spiritually we must be aware of the way we arc ‘made-up’ (constructed) and must be conscious of the facade we present to other people and whether it differs greatly from the person we feel ourselves to be.
[3]Psychological / emotional perspective: To be dealing with make-up means that we have a choice as to the sort of person we want to be. We can choose our outward appearance and can create an impression that perhaps is different from the one we naturally make use of.
To make-up, in the sense of bringing about a reconciliation, in our dreams suggests that we need to allow positive emotion to flow more fully.
[4]Spiritually, we must be aware of the way we are ‘made-up’ (constructed) and must be conscious of the facade we present to other people. In dreams we can become conscious of that facade and whether it differs greatly from the person we feel ourselves to be.
[5]Our ability to change the impression we make on others; cover-up for our real feelings or situation.
See Also: cosmetic.
[6]See “cosmetics”