Vision: A braided mat: vou have created a solid foundation and have no need to worry. Lying on a straw mat: stop spending so much money, because your budget is shrinking. Looking at a green mat: circumstances are going to change for the better.
[1]To dream that a door mat has been stolen forecasts that some one will try to enter your house (Raphael). A dream obviously originating in the unrecorded observation made by the subconscious.
[2]Mats, anywhere except in front of a door, are held to signify obstacles of a size in ratio to the size of the mat; in front of a door, they forecast unwelcome visitors.
[3]Keep away from mats in your dreams, as they will usher you into sorrow and perplexities.
[4]To dream of a Mat, either in a room or at the door, is held to indicate trouble.
[5]One will have to fight to achieve something (wrestling mat).
[6]lucky numbers: 21-34-35-36-40-47
braided, a: your careful planning wil bring prosperity.
door, being at the: indicates trouble from unwanted visitors.
exercise: increasing responsibility over which you have no control.
green, a: a growth of circumstances conspiring to do you harm.
straw, a: warning of poverty if you continue spending.
wrestling: are overconfident in your abilities.
yoga: to stretch further in ventures, keep to actions that are supported by previous ones.
[8](Plaited fabric, Seat, Woven straws) In a dream, a mat represents a servant, or the court of justice. Sitting on a mat in a dream means that one will commit an act which he will regret.
(See Also: Straw mat)