The idea of a repeating cycle.
Going around and around (such as circular logic, or repeating a process or lesson).
Participating in a process or activity with others in real life.
A feeling or fear of “getting nowhere.” A desire for more “simple fun” in your life.
For more clues, consider your feelings (feeling delighted about choosing a horse might represent your delight about a recent real-life decision).
Not being able to get off the merry-go-round might represent feeling stuck in a never-ending situation or pattern.
Not being able to get on the merry-go-round could represent feeling like you’re not being allowed to participate somehow in your life.
See Also: Ride, Playground, Amusement Park, Ferris Wheel, Festival or Carnival
[1]Vision: Seeing a merry-go-round: a warning that you are about to do something foolish. Acting without thinking might get you in real trouble.
Depth Psychology: A merry-go-round is a warning not to be foolish and careless. It also might refer to an actual ear problem (possibly impaired balance).
If these dreams appear frequendy, see a specialist.
See Also: Dizziness.
[2]To dream of riding on, or observing, a carousel with happy children aboard signifies a coming improvement in your life conditions; but to be on it alone or to see a deserted or derelict one predicts a period of discouragement, but don’t despair—new doors will eventually open.
[3]Wheel of karma; you are going round and round in the same old numbers and programs. Take a look at what you are doing. Get off and make a little progress.
[4]To see a merry-go-round in your dream, represents innocent joy. This dream can also express anxiety about the transition into adulthood.
[5]1. Desire to return to childhood.
2. Someone is leading one on a one-way trip to nowhere.
[6]Going in circles and not getting anywhere because of merry activity
[7]See Also: Carousel.