To dream that someone or something is smaller than usual, represents the dreamer’s feelings of unworthiness or helplessness.
If it’s a person who is miniaturized, you feel that person is too full of themselves in real life.
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To dream that someone or something is smaller than usual, represents the dreamer’s feelings of unworthiness or helplessness.
If it’s a person who is miniaturized, you feel that person is too full of themselves in real life.
[1]1- In dreams a shell represents the defences we use in order to prevent ourselves from being hurt. We can create a hard shell in response to previous hurt, or a soft shell which wo...
Learn more about the meaning of ShellsTo be looking at paintings or painting in a dream suggests that you are paying attention to new ideas, and making changes in the way you think and feel. It may also refer to the ne...
Learn more about the meaning of PaintingTo dream of eating them, remorse and sorrow (Raphael). The fruits of the raspberry were miniature hearts and for this reason were christened the berries of Eraspe, or Father Eros (...
Learn more about the meaning of RaspberriesUsually a harmless miniature Dragon will bring you luck.Folklore: Betrayal....
Learn more about the meaning of LizardDreams of an acorn symbolize great potential. Because the blueprint for the oak tree resides within this tiny seed, the acorn represents the fact that your highest destiny, solutio...
Learn more about the meaning of AcornFairy tales are full of rich psychological symbolism that expresses our innermost fears and dreams. Beginning with the fathers of the field, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, numerous p...
Learn more about the meaning of Fairy TalesEarly human civilizations generally believed there were few barriers between the spirit world and the world of nature; as a result, the mating of gods and humans—or of gods and a...
Learn more about the meaning of Mystical CreatureA piece, sliver, or other fragment can represent: Part of a whole (such as one member of a group, or one event in a series).The idea of small.The idea of “not enough” or feelin...
Learn more about the meaning of FragmentPsychological / emotional perspective: Because painting has such a lot to do with self-expression, the way that we are painting in a dream may be important. If, for instance, we ar...
Learn more about the meaning of Paint / PaintingSomething that is small (perhaps smaller than you would expect) can represent: Something you feel lacks power, strength, importance, or effectiveness.Something you perceive as vuln...
Learn more about the meaning of Small