Revealed in order that one might help the misfit to fit; see “rejected”
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
Revealed in order that one might help the misfit to fit; see “rejected”
[1]A hero with superstrength and a godlike body, Arnold may appear as a symbol of Hercules in a dream to perform superhuman feats. He, like Hercules, may appear to signify someone who...
Learn more about the meaning of Arnold Schwarzeneggerlucky numbers: 12-16-26-38-45-46garden, in own: misunderstanding with a friend of same sex. another’s: wil enjoy dinner with oddly interesting misfits. growing: wil have a big fa...
Learn more about the meaning of PansiesDreams of apparel, denote that enterprises will be successes or failures, as the apparel seems to be whole and clean, or soiled and threadbare.To see fine apparel, but out of date,...
Learn more about the meaning of Apparel