Mist is a symbol of the indeterminate, of the fusion of the air and water elements, of each stage of evolution. In oneiric terms, fog symbolizes the fears and anxieties stored in the depths of the unconscious.
It is therefore not the best time to undertake a new initiative, since you have an unclear understanding of the situation. Likewise, you must not forget that mist is usually associated with gray, i.e., the symbol of indifference and a lack of determination. To dream of this color may be a warning that a crisis of values lies ahead. You may not see things clearly or as they really are. This disorientation can end if you try to be more energetic and decisive.
If the fog is dense, the omens are disadvantageous.
If it is clearing up, you will obtain success.
[1]Dreams of mist denote an unwillingness and/or inability to see what is right in front of your face. Perhaps you have a fear of seeing the truth, which produces mental confusion.
The feeling of a light mist also represent that you are connected to the mystical, magical, mysterious realm of enchantment within your own being. Consider the feeling tone.
[2]Mist is a symbol of loss and confusion particularly emotionally so when this image appears we may need to sit down and reconsider our actions.
Mist in a dream can indicate a transition state, a way from one state of awareness to another and will often manifest to signify this.
Mist can symbolise initiation.
[3]Material aspects: In waking life, many states of confusion can arise. Swirling mist in a dream may signify that the confusion arises from others.
To be moving through stationary mist suggests that we are capable of reaching our goal provided we take into account our own confusion.
[4]Psychological / emotional perspective: Mist is a symbol of loss and confusion – particularly when it comes to emotions – so when this image appears we may need to sit down and reconsider our actions, and how they may affect us, or indeed others – in waking life.
[5]To dream that you are enveloped in a mist, denotes uncertain fortunes and domestic unhappiness.
If the mist clears away, your troubles will be of short duration.
To see others in a mist, you will profit by the misfortune of others.
[6]If you dream of being lost or surrounded by mist, there is confusion and unhappiness in your home life. You need to see things more clearly.
[7]Mist or fog can symbolize a confused state of mind, as well as the desire to see things more clearly.
[8]A warning of difficulties which will beset your path owing to bad trade conditions.
[9]Symbolic of something temporal, vanishing, or fleeting, Prov. 21:6, Hosea 6:4 NLT
[10]1. Obscuring the truth.
2. A mystery, puzzle.
3. The unknown.
[11]See Also: fog.
[13]lucky numbers: 16-22-25-27-31-36
clearing away: troubles wil be passing ones; outcome wil be favorable.
enveloped in a, being: unhappiness in the home caused by your dilemma.
loved one, being in the, with a: one of you is not tel ing the whole truth.
of: approaching money wil require the utmost patience and skil to obtain.