"Dreams about money can represent abundance, power, and success, but also our relationship with ourselves and others. Receiving or losing money in a dream may indicate financial challenges or confidence. Giving money away or receiving someone else's savings may indicate generosity or the use of their expertise. Money dreams may connect to personal goals, representing achievement or lack, and offer insight into our emotional life."
Money is a symbol that can represent a wide range of concepts, such as abundance, power, freedom, self-worth, and personal resources in dreams. Dreams about money often connect to our own potential for success and how we value ourselves, whether it be material or spiritual.
If you dream about receiving money, it may indicate that you are feeling confident, potent, lovable, and valuable, as if success and prosperity are within your reach. However, if you dream of losing money, it could signify that you are dealing with financial challenges and setbacks in your life.
Money can also represent our relationship with ourselves and others, including our sexuality and self-giving. Holding onto money could indicate a sense of insecurity or being emotionally or sexually tight. On the other hand, not having enough money may suggest a sense of inadequacy or failing potency. Dud money or counterfeit money could represent a false or inauthentic relationship to abundance.
If you dream about giving money away, it may signify your generous and loving nature, and that you are seeking to be loved. Alternatively, if you dream about someone else giving you their savings, you may be able to use their knowledge and expertise to your advantage.
Money dreams may also connect to your own personal goals and aspirations. Large amounts of money in a dream can represent any sort of achievement or sense of fulfillment, as an unconscious expression of desires met. This could include a new sense of inner riches or outward expressions of expansion, such as a new relationship or job. On the opposite side of the spectrum, money dreams could be pointing out feelings of lack that you are experiencing in life.
Ultimately, money dreams are about your own personal power, self-worth, and potential for success. Paying attention to the various elements in your dream can give you insight into your emotional and spiritual life.
[1]Universal Landscape: Abundance, power and freedom.
Dreaming Lens: Who had the money in the dream? Did you have more or less than you need or desire? Did you earn, find, borrow, or steal it? Was it clean conscience money, or money that had been laundered?
Personal Focus: Money is a complicated symbol to interpret because it stimulates intense emotional issues for most people. It is even more challenging to understand because of the illusive nature of money itself. Money is only as valuable as society agrees it to be. It wouldn’t matter if we traded rocks or sticks instead of beautifully printed paper. What we call money is actually just symbolic of a commodity. Therefore, it is not wealth itself, but the representation of wealth. How much or how little you have is a measure of the power and freedom to attain what you desire by virtue of how much you possess.
In a dream, money often represents your inner resources. Your sense of personal value, power, or the ability to make something happen can be expressed by the symbol of money. As a symbol, large amounts of money can represent any sort of achievement or sense of fulfillment as an unconscious expression of desires met. No matter what the financial situation in your waking life, your dream state can find you available for limitless abundance or attached to absolute lack.
Since money in life is symbolic in nature, in the dream world it can represent any form of abundance. The appearance of money in a dream could connect to the acquisition of any desire, from a new sense of inner riches to outward expressions of expansion, such as a new relationship, job, or other appearance of a heart’s desire. On the opposite side of the spectrum, money in a dream could be pointing out feelings of lack you are experiencing in life. As a wish fulfillment or compensatory dream, connecting to money could be balancing out feelings of limitation. Money that is counterfeit is revealing a relationship to abundance that is false or inauthentic. Though it may look real, it has been manufactured with dubious intentions. In a dream, this might point to ways in which you are trying to get away with presenting yourself as bigger than you really are.
Also be willing to look at the various elements in your current situation; are there circumstances in your life that are costing you more than you can afford? This can apply to both material and emotional conditions. Look at the amount of money or lack of money in the dream as connoting how much or how little of some needed commodity appears in your life. This can be spiritual, emotional, or physical. How abundant do you feel?
[2]General Meaning: Money does not look the same today as it did in the time of the Old Testament. However the concept of trade and exchange certainly is the same.
• For more understanding on what money means in Scripture, look up gold and silver.
Dreams Positive:
In a positive light, money speaks of provision for your need.
• If you are having financial difficulties and dream of receiving large amounts of finances, then it is simply a picture of your desires at the moment.
• Often people dream of receiving money, but unfortunately it does not mean that this will happen in reality.
• I do believe it is an encouragement from the Lord to say that He desires to meet your need. However it is going to take more on your part to make that a reality.
• This dream was sent to give you hope, but you also need faith and love to bring it to pass.
• Dreaming of money is either an indication of your current desire, or a confirmation that the Lord will provide your need.
• Read the Way of Blessing for more on walking in prosperity.
• Visions • Positive: Although I have seen visions of money, I usually see it as gold coins in the spirit.
• Often I will see a treasure chest that is hidden and filled with money. When I see this, I know that the Lord is saying that He has provided our need, but that we must release it through prayer.
• If I see the money hidden, it is speaking of a blessing that is not so clear, but that I have to make effort to look for.
• If you see money along your road, it means that as you continue along the direction that the Lord has for you, the blessing will come automatically.
Negative: In prayer I have often seen a black hand holding onto money. This is a picture of a spirit of theft.
The enemy was stealing the blessing that God had for us.
• Also in Scripture, the love of money refers to the root of temporal values which can destroy you. It speaks of bribery, corruption, and as I said before, the root of temporal values.
• 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
See also: Gold, Silver.
[3]To dream of money indicates triumph in endeavors and future abundance.
Dreaming of money may symbolize self-reliance, self-worth, accomplishment, or values. You think highly of yourself. Alternatively, to dream of money points to your stances about love and matters of the heart.
To lose money in your dream indicates petty quarrels at home and some minor disadvantages in your endeavors. You may be feeling feeble, defenseless and hopeless in real life. Additionally, you may be contented with maintaining a low profile life.
To dream about giving money away similarly connotes your generous and loving nature. You are seeking to be loved.
To see others giving money away indicates a feeling of unimportance. You feel that other people are neglecting you and disregarding your emotional needs.
To dream that you have no money indicates your insecurities in achieving your goals. You may be seen as a person without much value and contribution to the community.
To dream that you steal money predicts peril and reminds you to be wary with your transactions. On a positive note, it may point to your progress in achieving your aspirations that brings much satisfaction and fulfillment.
[4]The meaning of money in a dream is as variable as its meaning in conscious life, and although there is some disagreement among authorities, the great majority concur that to pay, give, or lend money augurs well for all that concerns you.
Receiving money is also a good omen, providing it was honestly come by; it signifies security through development of your own resources.
To dream of finding money is a sign of mixed blessings; your financial success will be accompanied by disappointment in its effect Losing money in a dream is an omen of contrary; you are likely to have a windfall.
To change money (as paper for coins or large denominations for small, etc.) indicates problems created by your own carelessness in the handling of your affairs; a dream of exchanging money (as for foreign currency) means an increase in material wealth; to borrow money signifies a need to retrench and a warning against extravagance.
To spend money prophesies an unexpected profit, and to steal it predicts an unexpected stroke of luck.
To dream of counting or saving money promises personal happiness providing it was not done in a miserly way.
See Also: under Miser, Coins.
[5]What we value; one’s potential, energy or personal resources; personal potency, therefore links with sexuality and self-giving; what we pay for our desires or actions—I told my husband a few home truths last night, but he certainly made me pay for it’; opportunity, because money buys time to explore or try the new. Holding on to money: feeling insecure, or being tight’ emotionally or sexually. Not enough money: sense of being inadequate or failing potency. Dud money: not giving of oneself or feeling cheated.
Example: A small Indian boy stole a 50 pence piece from me. I had an internal struggle about whether to take it back.
The hesitation was that it was “manners” to make out nothing had happened, not to blame someone for something “not nice”. Because of these unspoken rules the boy could laugh at me. I decided to take the money back and accuse him of theft’ (Stephen Y). Stolen money: Stephen is considering what his ‘values’ are, how he wants others to relate to him, and whether to state his needs instead of being ‘nice’. Also, feeling others are taking us for granted, giving oneself cheaply in sex or relationships.
[6]To dream of finding money, denotes small worries, but much happiness. Changes will follow.
To pay out money, denotes misfortune.
To receive gold, great prosperity and unalloyed pleasures.
To lose money, you will experience unhappy hours in the home and affairs will appear gloomy.
To count your money and find a deficit, you will be worried in making payments.
To dream that you steal money, denotes that you are in danger and should guard your actions.
To save money, augurs wealth and comfort.
To dream that you swallow money, portends that you are likely to become mercenary.
To look upon a quantity of money, denotes that prosperity and happiness are within your reach.
To dream you find a roll of currency, and a young woman claims it, foretells you will lose in some enterprise by the interference of some female friend.
The dreamer will find that he is spending his money unwisely and is living beyond his means.
It is a dream of caution. Beware lest the innocent fancies of your brain make a place for your money before payday.
[7]The significance money has in your waking life is reflected in your dream state. Money is a symbol of power and wealth. We often judge ourselves based on our ability to make it, save it, and spend it. First consider your own relationship with money and your current financial situation as this dream could be simple wish-fulfillment. As always, consider all of the accompanying details in your dream because they will help you to understand where your issues lie. Traditional dream interpretations indicate that losing money in your dream is a good omen, and that probably the opposite will happen. Generally, money may represent those things that are most valuable to you and not necessarily cash.
To find; Happiness is on the way. Paying; A distressing development. Receiving; Gratification and prosperity approaching.
To lose; An unhappy situation at home.
To steal; Watch your actions closely To see; Good things are about to happen.
To save; Predicts wealth and comfort. Missing; You’ll have concerns over finances.
[8]Money (currency, bills, coins, a check, etc.) can represent: Value or “currency” of some kind.
Something of value that you’ve given or received in your life, or that you’d like to give or receive (such as money, love, respect, or good will).
Something you treasure (such as a relationship or memories).
Investment or saving.
Being given money can represent receiving: something valuable (tangible or intangible) in real life, feeling someone’s generosity (or a wish for such).
Paying money can represent giving something valuable, perhaps in return for something valuable.
Winning money can mean you’d like for this to happen in real life, or you’re feeling fortunate.
Someone demanding money can represent a real or feared demand in your life (monetary or otherwise).
Someone owing you money can represent feeling the person is indebted to you somehow, or that you’ve done more for this person than they’ve done for you.
See Also: Finances, Rich, Check(Money), Loaning, Borrowing, Paying
[9]It symbolizes everything you secretly want but repress so much that your mind does not dare to mention its name. Therefore, this type of dreams typically regard an illicit love.
If you make money it indicates that it is more valuable than you thought, but also that you are in a period of high creativity. On the contrary, dreaming that someone steals some money from you means that you have exaggerated your feelings towards that particular person. Losing money, if it is accompanied by a distressing feeling, reveals the fear of misplacing something you consider very important.
If money is not enough to cover your debts it means that you are wasting your energies. Finally, if you accumulate money it denotes selfishness; if you share it, generosity.
Formerly, it was believed that to find or to receive money in a dream was a sign of good luck. For other superstitions, it means that soon there will be a birth.
[10]V:. Money has erotic meanings and stands for a woman’s “stockpile of feminine, erotic power and attraction.” In a man’s dream, money is a symbol for vigor and sexual performance. Looking at a lot of money: you want to improve your station in life. Finding money on the street: you have too many debts and it’s bothering your conscience.
The postman is bringing you money: don’t always rely on others and don’t wait for help from your relatives or friends.
Depth Psychology: Money is the measure of the actual or hoped for strength you need. Dreams about money are about your energy reserves, possible accomplishments, and personal worth. Money is also a symbol of sexual energy, influence, power—and last but not least—financial security. Do you dream about money often? Giving so much weight to material things may be robbing you of happiness.
[11]Rarely connected to financial problems. Dreaming about money points to your behavior in matters of love.
It is probably the most frequent symbol of sexuality and power.
A coin generally points to success and security. Are you always weighing every situation and thinking through a plan for every situation? Are you afraid of losing control over yourself or over a situation? Often such a dream is telling you to open yourself up to life and allow your wild side to surface. Passion for life is suggested here instead of control.
According to Freud and Jung, money is a symbol for the libido—silver coins indicate an attraction toward women; gold coins, an attraction toward men.
For some modern psychoanalysts, it is a symbol of creative power.
[12]Dreams of money symbolize energy, power and resources and the fact that success and prosperity is within your reach. You are feeling confident, potent, loveable, and valuable, worthy of respect, status, esteem and success in the material world.
To dream of losing money signifies that you are dealing with financial challenges and setbacks.
To dream of stealing money signifies that you are feeling desperate and are in survival mode.
To dream of having lots of money represents a consciousness of wealth, and that you are preparing for great prosperity.
If you dream of not having enough money, then you are venting out poverty consciousness.
[13]Psychological / emotional perspective: Money can represent our own personal resources – whether material or spiritual – and our potential for success. In some circumstances a dream of money can be linked with our view of our own power. When we dream of savings we are aware of the need for conservation. This may be on a personal level or in a more global sense.
A refund of money suggests that we have put effort into en emotional commitment, but have had to accept that that ‘payment’ is not valid.
A mortgage in dreams suggests ownership of an asset – whether emotional or material – for which we must pay in the future.
[14]Material aspects: Money in dreams does not necessarily represent hard currency, but more the way in which we value ourselves. This symbol appearing in dreams would suggest that we need to assess that value more carefully, and equally to be aware of what we ‘pay’ for our actions and desires.
If there is a feeling of self-denial in our making savings, particularly to the point of miserliness, we may not have managed our resources properly in the past and are having to suffer for it now. We may also fear the future.
If someone else gives us their savings, we are able to use their knowledge and expertise.
[15]See Also: Wealth
1- Money in dreams does not necessarily represent hard currency, but more the way in which we value ourselves. This symbol appearing in dreams would suggest that we need to assess that value more carefully, and equally to be aware of what we ‘pay’ for our actions and desires.
2- Money can also represent our own personal resources - whether material or spiritual - and our potential for success. In some circumstances a dream of money can be linked with our view of our own power and our sexuality
3- Spiritual currency and also spiritual “change’, small or otherwise.
[16]A dream about money signifies the dreamer should be more attentive to family members.
To see counterfeit money in your dream suggests that something is not what it appears to be. Perhaps you are feeling unworthy or someone is undervaluing your talents or efforts. Alternatively, this dream symbol could mean that you are pretending to be something you’re not.
If you dreamed of foreign money, this symbolizes the journey toward your life goals. Consider the emotions you felt in your dream, for clues to whether you are feeling good about the direction you are currently headed in life.
[17]To dream that you pay or give Money to other people is a fortunate omen; prosperity awaits you.
To dream that you receive Money also foretells personal success, but due to hard work.
To find Money in your dream is not so fortunate, however—there will be some sudden advancement or success, but it will prove disappointing.
If you change Money, it is a sign of difficulties due to your own fault—as if you exchange notes for silver, or silver for copper.
It is a very bad sign if you dream that you borrow Money, either from a friend or from a moneylender.
[18](See Also: Bank/ Banking, Coins, Gold, Poverty, Silver, Stock Market) Financial worries, or the wish for prosperity.
Inaccessible funds: Something pent up within yourself, often an ability.
Corruption (e.g., “money is the root of all evil” or “dirty money”).
Turning down, or turning away from, money: A change in personal priorities toward less material pursuits.
Clutching money tightly: A frugal nature, sometimes to the point of greed.
[19]Money in dreams can represent our spiritual currency and also spiritual ‘change’, small or otherwise. Symbols of money such as gold coins or money bags can signify our spiritual resources, which we can call on in times of difficulty. In the spiritual sense, savings suggests those talents and abilities that we have or have developed, but have not yet used, particularly those for the greater good.
[20]If you dream of losing money you will find unhappiness in your home and future prospects will appear slim.
If your dream is of finding money, you will have much happiness in your domestic affairs.
If you dream of looking at money it shows that you will have an opportunity to reach your goals and increase your income.
If you steal the money, your finances are in danger.
[21]A symbol of communication and the exchange of values, how the money is being used in the dream will indicate what is being valued. For instance, if money is being used to buy a house, this will symbolize the value the dreamer places upon their own mind; if money is being invested for future use, it will indicate the permanent wealth derived from experience and understanding.
[22]To dream that you see stacks of money indicates a great desire for security.
To be the recipient, gratification of a little wish.
To lose your money, fear of losing something or someone whom you need.
If you steal money in your dreams be careful that you do not drive sharp bargains. This dream also signifies a fear of losing your authority or persuasive powers.
[23]Money in a dream is usually an extension of one’s self-worth and self-esteem—a positive sign if abundance and accumulation is experienced; and a negative one if losses occur in the dream, suggesting one’s inner resources may be depleted. Investing energy in oneself, one’s career, or one’s family is sometimes indicated by this symbol.
[24]To give, lend or pay money is an augury that you will receive a large sum in a surprising manner.
If you dream of handling other people’s money and resist the temptation to steal it, you will inherit something of value from a relative.
[25]To give money away means you will lose money in business.
To find money means you will have to borrow from others.
To receive money as a gift or in payment means you will receive fair recompense for services.
See Also: Alms.
[26]1. Power;
2. Authority;
3. The strength of man;
4. Provision and wealth;
5. Natural talents and skills;
6. Greed;
Deut 8:18; Gen 31:15; Luke 19:23; 1 Tim 6:10; Hos 10:5; Eccl 7:12; Luke 16:11
[27]Finding money in a dream may be symbolic of an upcoming financial blessing.
If you have a house made of money (dollar bills or coins) it can symbolize trusting in wealth, Prov. 10:15
[28]1. Desire for security.
2. Shallow goals.
3. Finding confidence in one’s ability or future.
4. If stealing, indicates jealousy or dislike of person one is taking from.
[29]If change or coins, means changes are coming into your life; if dollar bills, big changes. Note any numbers and look up meaning.
[30]Receiving money in dream denotes earthly prosperity. Giving of it denotes ability to give money.
[31]You see money being distributed among family members: you and your partner may split
[32]Literal, though the amount may be figurative; research numbers for clarity
[33]See Also: Treasure
Money may sometimes represent faeces.
See Also: Excrement.
[34]Ever an evil dream (Raphael).
[35]Value of life.
[36]To dream of receiving monev, is a good omen; in love, it foretells a speedy marriage and many children. If you dream you lose mòney, it is a proof you will be deceived in love, and will be unsuccessful in some favorite pursuit. To dream you are paying money, foretells the birth of a son destined to cut a great figure in life.
[37]lucky numbers: 12-19-20-21-24-27
apprehension over: family quarrels only exacerbate the situation, blocking a solution.
assembling: wil have ample money for your needs.
borrowing: one’s inner resources have been depleted.
burying: dissolution of hopes and emotional barrenness.
changer, of a: difficulties are your own fault, as reverses made you avaricious.
collecting for charity: are ful of pettiness in a desperate bid for affection and control.
counting: wish to raise your station in life; period of financial stability.
miscounting: urge to increase al revenues is unfounded.
deducting amounts illegally: time-consuming manipulation to return books to correct.
from bills owed: wil soon have a family argument.
others, you: assist one who needs money.
desiring: have a lavish feast at a gourmet restaurant.
finding: danger and business loss if you do not return money to rightful owner.
gathering: your patience and honesty wil hurdle difficult tasks.
handling foreign: an interesting job with a smal income.
checks: wil be unable to meet monthly debt payments.
stocks: risk of failure, shame and blame and an unexpected gift by airmail.
losing: time for lean cuisine.
missing: il egal y obtained cash in your hands is stil il egal.
paying: your debts bother your conscience; pay them regularly.
back borrowed money: your finances sail smooth waters.
receiving: impending changes in level of your expectations are disappointing.
shiny new: wil be criticized for being a mercenary.
silver dollar: luck throughout unfortunate circumstances.
spending: wil risk failure of plans for comfort.
stealing: long sickness from unguarded actions.
strewn across the street: a wel -entrenched, civilized situation wil be upset.
[38](Bones; Banana; Brass; Bread; Coin; Dirt, Dough, Pennies, Pie, Poison) A plated coin in a dream means lies, falsehood, or triviality.
To shower someone with money in a dream means listening to a filthy conversation, or impersonating someone. Money in a dream also means vain talk, or missing one’s prayers.
If one sees himself swallowing a coin of money in a dream, it means that he will betray his trust. Money in a dream is also interpreted as knowledge, faith, guidance, or becoming a government employee. Giving money away in a dream means dispelling agony, difficulties or burdens.
If one receives money in his dream, it means that he is entrusted with something. Handling one to four coins in a dream is a lucky number. Money in a dream is also interpreted as women’s talk. Having a lot of money in a dream means disputes. Receiving money from a known source in a dream means stress.
If the source is unknown in the dream, it means a calamity.
If one receives an engraved coin in a dream, it means that he may be hurt by his own family, or for the sake of a protege of his.
If one sees a deceased person giving him a coin of money in a dream, it means that he will be spared from an unjust trial.
If he refuses to take the money from the deceased person in the dream, it means that he should beware not to be unjust toward others or fall prey to their injustice.
If one who has ten coins finds that he only has five coins in the dream, it means that he will lose accordingly. Ifhe has five coins then sees them doubled in the dream, it means that he will double his money.
(See Also: Banana; Banknote, Bones, Counting money, Pastry, Voice)