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Movies Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 9 Unique Sources About Movies

sleeping boy

Universal Landscape: Memories and desires; controlling reality.

Dreaming Lens: Were you watching a movie in your dream? Where were you and where was the movie being played? Was the dream itself unfolding as if it were a movie? Were you making a movie in the dream? What was the content or subject of the movie? How did it make you feel?

Personal Focus: Movies are so ingrained in Western culture it is difficult to separate them out from the human experience as something distinct from how we live life day to day. This is especially so with regard to the way in which a film can capture historical events and present altered versions of moments in time, which may be seen by future viewers as actual facts.

Research has shown that the areas of the brain that are stimulated by the images we see in movies are the same as those activated by real events. This blurs the line between fantasy and reality in an alarming way: Movies and dreams are not very different from each other. What is captured on film has a way of becoming real in the imagination of the human race. Even the most unbelievable storyline is made possible through the magic of film. In this way, the symbolic meaning of the movies is the incredible drive the human race has to make our most passionate desires come to life.

A common dream that many people report is to have the sense that the dream itself is a movie. The first distinction that should be made when considering the symbolic meaning of a movie in a dream is which side of desire the film is addressing. One connects to manifesting a fantasy into reality and the other embodies rewriting history as you perhaps wish it was. In either case, the presence of a movie in a dream is likely expressing a wish to have more control over how life is being perceived. Ask yourself what area of your life is feeling unreal, or that you wish were different. (See Also: Television.)


See Also: Television/ Video.

To be watching a movie is to yearn for glamour in your life. You have been living too sheltered an existence and need to let down your hair a little more. Sometimes the type of movie you are watching can be pertinent:

Comedy: Don’t take life too seriously. When you get uptight, examine the situation and try to find a humorous side to it.

Musical: Don’t let your love of the music of life cause you to ignore your responsibilities.

Mystery: Something is not as it should be. Don’t get complacent, but be always on the alert. Simple, seemingly innocent words and actions can be signs of coming intrigue and complications.

Romance: This could be a good time for romance. Keep your ears and eyes open.

Tragedy: Be aware of tragedies and of impending drama, but always look for the silver lining that will be there somewhere.

War Movie: You are building up to a battle within yourself. Bring your problems out into the open and examine them. Face up to problems and work out solutions.


Vision: If you’re standing in front of a movie theater: others are keeping secrets and it’s bothering you. Being inside a movie theater: you are in the dark and undecided about a certain matter.

Depth Psychology: Is it possible that a movie of your life is playing? The dream might also be an indication of your insecurity or that others want to lead you Mup a garden path.” Who is trying to fool you? Are you fooling yourself? What movie is playing in the theater (drama, comedy, western, etc.)?


The omen here depends on whether or not you enjoyed what you saw; if you did, the augury is one of pleasant social times ahead; but if you were depressed, displeased, or disgusted, you are being warned against being deluded by a dishonest avowal of love or cheated by an insincere declaration of friendship.


Frivolous invitations. Do not trust fair women.


Need to escape into another world.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation