Vision: Looking at a swollen neck: good chances for a win and business success. Looking at a long, thin neck: misfortunes are spoiling your fun.
An injured neck or cut-off neck is a warning about dangers ahead. Wearing a shawl around the neck also is a warning—about possible throat, nose, and ear infections.
Depth Psychology: The neck stands for the connection between the head and the body (from the intellect to the material). Looking at a neck is often a warning: “Don’t risk your neck.” Sometimes it suggests taking care of all three—mind, body, and spirit. Do you sometimes feel “strangled” by others or by the demands of life? Are you “out of breath”? What is sticking in your throat?
[1]The neck is the center of the voice, and as such, any dream image that involves this part of the body is symbolically representing your current relationship with how you are expressing yourself in your life. Any sort of compromise to the neck indicates breakdowns in your communication and challenges in you having a strong connection with your voice. Anything that highlights, adorns, or otherwise calls attention to the neck is asking you to recognize the value of your convictions and to stand up for what you want to say.
[2]It represents the union between body and soul. Dreaming that you have neck pain can be a sign that, in reality, you are experiencing such a physical condition. Otherwise, a sore neck symbolizes a spiritual malaise for having a lifestyle or job that does not correspond with the true desires and inclinations of the dreamer.
The longer and healthier it is the greater the prosperity it augurs. Washing your neck promises good health.
[3]To dream of your own neck indicates a communication issue. You may be feeling vulnerable and possibly unable to communicate your true feelings.
To dream of an aching neck may be a sign that you need to find the courage to speak clearly and be heard.
To dream of another person’s neck may suggest that information may come from a completely unexpected place - possibly the ‘mouths of babes.’
[4]To “protect one’s neck” is to not get caught at doing something in secret or to participate in a situation where one’s actions could be condemned. Often the phrase “don’t stick your neck out” is said as an admonishment. “Necking” describes romantic physical expressions of kissing, hugging, and overt passion arising aroused from the erogenous zones in the neck.
[5]Dreaming of the neck represents flexibility and the ability to see different sides of a situation with fairness and equality.
The neck is also a place of vulnerability, so if you stick your neck out, you are taking your chances and making a sacrifice.
If you dream of having neck problems or a stiff neck, then this represents stubbornness and rigidity.
See Also: Body.
[6]To dream that you see your own neck, foretells that vexatious family relations will interfere with your business.
To admire the neck of another, signifies your worldly mindedness will cause broken domestic ties.
For a woman to dream that her neck is thick, foretells that she will become querulous and something of a shrew if she fails to control her temper.
[7]The neck supports the head and thus may be vividly portrayed to signify strength and tenacity.
A long neck may signify- high ideals.
A short neck may represent a stout or brave individual.
A whiplash injury may be a response ro a crippling clash with someone.
The neck may also represent crucifixion in that Jesus’ head hung down on the cross.
[8]A bottleneck or slowdown in a process.
A means to an end.
Sensitivity or sensuality.
Beauty or grace.
A significant connection, or something that connects two significant things.
The ability or willingness to revisit your past or issues from the past, or to “look behind” you.
See Also: Jaw, Throat, Body Part
[9]1. Use caution regarding projects or situations (as in to “stick one’s neck out”).
2. Possible illness.
3. Some friends may not be what they appear or all they say they are.
4. The path between the heart (emotion) and brain (intellect) and the point of verbal communication.
5. Money.
[10]To admire the beautiful neck of a strange woman shows that domestic ties may soon be severed.
To see your own neck in a dream is an omen that someone will interfere with your business plans.
Dreaming of a thick neck shows that you are becoming very quarrelsome and quick tempered.
[11]Practically all the oracle sources agree that any dream featuring the neck is a sign of approaching money, unless the dream concerned a broken neck, in which case it is a warning against mismanagement of your affairs; pay more attention to your own and less to those of others.
[12]Connection between body (feelings and sexuality) and head (thinking and willing); weak point. Often refers to attitudes, as in idioms: breaking one’s neck; up to his neck; risk one’s neck; stick one’s neck out; dead from the neck up/ down.
[13]1. Willingness;
2. Stubbornness,
3. Strength,
4. Beauty,
5. Humility, or hardness of spirit;
6. Pride (stretched neck or stiff neck);
7. Subjection (foot on neck);
8. Death (broken neck); Ps. 73:6; Prov. 3:3-4; Josh. 10:34;
[14]To dream of the neck signifies power, honor, riches, and inheritances. And every carbuncle, malady, or imperfection about the neck, head, or beard, signifies sickness indifferently to alL.
[15]How the neck feels (relaxed or tense) may indicate how good or bad the relations are between consciousness and the unconscious, between intellect and emotions.
[16]A dream of power, honor, riches. Imperfections or ailments of the neck, however, prognosticate sickness (Artemidorus).
[17]To dream that your Neck is troubling you, or that you are worrying over it, is a sign that money is coming to you before long.
[18]Expresses high or low self-esteem, servitude, bondage, appetite; see “yoke”
[19]It predicts the receipt of a sum of money to dream that you have a stiff neck.
[20]Sticking your neck out, taking a risk. Throat or fifth chakra.
See Also: Throat.
[21]Symbolic of pride, Job 41:22
[22]See Also: body parts metaphors.
[23]lucky numbers: 10-11-17-20-22-37
aching: fear of getting caught in a secret mission you can’t control.
bandaged, being: covering up to keep your actions from being condemned.
strangled: you are a yes person; take the risk to say what you think.
tied up by the: wil be the slave to your inability to see your freedom.
children, of: wil be proud of their intel igence and leery of their use of it.
infected, an: wil receive news of the death of an idea you fostered, then left to others.
necking with emotions: a steady married life is based on the wil ingness to share.
after covering, with scarves: are hiding the impressions of a romantic interlude.
of others: are too deeply in love to see who you are in love with.
of own: false friends surround you; wil you be able to let the true ones in?
injuring: your worldliness has opened your home to query.
small, a: wil meet with opposition and lose money in the process.
stiff, having a: your rigidity wil complicate your business ventures.
swollen, a: someone is trying to strangle your career with toxic talk.
tall, a thin: don’t stick your neck out for the possibility of admonishment.
three heads on one, seeing: to see, hear and speak evil keeps evil with you always.
unusually large, an: honors wil make you largely uncomfortable.
long, an: social advancement if you can keep your head above the clouds.
very flabby, a: due to your lackadaisical attitude your affairs are delayed.
[24]In a dream, a neck represents an embrace, a donation with terms, a legal will or a conditional endowment.
The neck and the shoulders in a dream represent one’s trust or trustworthiness.
A healthy strong neck in a dream means trustworthiness and ability to repay one’s debts.
Wounds, festering, or purulence in one’s neck in a dream mean betraying God’s trust.
Ifone sees a nice bird sitting over his neck in a dream, it means benefits or an alibi.
If it is not a gentle bird, then it becomes a bad omen or a rebuke.
If one sees a necklace, a rope, a wire or a thread wrapped around his neck in a dream, it means fulfilling a promise, acquiring knowledge, status and honored.
(See Also: Body)
[25]A long neck symbolises trust (amaanat) and the Deen of Islam and the upholding of these two.
A short neck will natureally imply a person’s weakness and inability in upholding them.