Radio, television and newspapers keep us up to date with world events and when these kinds of media appear in your dreams, their function is typically to send you a message about your current circumstances from your unconscious mind. Your waking reaction to a news broadcast typically holds true in dreams, but in the latter the broadcasting authority is your unconscious mind trying to transmit a message to you. Did you dream that you were driving along or pottering about at home with the radio or television on in the background, when a newsflash drew your attention? If so try to pay attention to the headlines and see if you can find any links to your waking world. The message may have been coded in the language of dreams. For example, a war bulletin or report could warn of conflict at home or work.
[1]To receive news in dreams could be indicative of a situation of loneliness and isolation, voluntary or involuntary. The dreamer in this case desires contact with the outside world, or is looking to change his circumstances.
[2]This is a classic ex- ample of contrary omen; the worse the news in your dream the better will be the news you get, and vice versa.
To dream you have heard some strange news, denotes that some one, either your sweetheart or your partner in life, is in danger of being afflicted, and the subject of some heavy trouble.