If you work in an office, the chances are that this will feature every now and again in your dreams. Sometimes your dreams will be connected with your work, but in general such dreams represent another aspect of your waking life, aside from work; this may be a particular problem, your emotions or your attitude to life and authority.
If you feel crowded in by computers, typewriters and people, this may indicate a crowd of problems whereas an office that is suddenly closed or deserted may reflect an emotional emptiness in your life.
If you were stocktaking in your dream, you may be taking stock of your present situation; if goods are being carried out you may feel as if your inner resources are being depleted.
If you had a dream in which you were storing away documents in a filing cabinet, this may have been urging you to store away memories that are no longer relevant to your waking life. Alternatively, could your unconscious have been urging you to restore order to a waking life littered with chores and obligations? For office items such as computers, see MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY; for pay and pensions, see MONEY AND SHOPPING; for factory and warehouse, see BUILDINGS.
[1]Dreams that take place in the workplace often describe our behavior and how we present ourselves to the world. Likewise, offices are organized places with everything classified and laid in order. Perhaps the dream warns you that you should take a look at the organization of your real life. A dream that takes place in the office where you work may well refer to your personality, or perhaps be reminding you of the way you conduct your affairs.
If you are in a strange office, it could be that in real life you compare your lifestyle, activities, and ideals to those of others.
If you dream that you are in an office and you feel happy, it is an omen of prosperity.
If you leave the office, soon you will be deceived.
[2]1- Often our work or office situation gives an environment in dreams with which we feel comfortable.
It is slightly more formal than our home, and often deals with our feelings about, or our relationship with, work and authority.
2- To be in an office, particularly if it is not known to us, would suggest some kind of order or burcaucracv is necessary in ou lives.
To be in office, in the sense of holding a post, signifies taking responsibility for what we do.
3- An office in spiritual terms suggests having taken responsibility for who we arc.
[3]The office as a setting is a place of work, structure, schedules, rigidity, and all things left-brained.
If a dream takes place in an office, you can consider such a dream to be about this part of your consciousness. Anything that happens in your dream office relates to the need for attention to this side of your nature.
If you work in an office, the dream may be more literal than symbolic; it is a fairly common stress dream to be constantly at work in your sleeping experience.
[4]Oddly enough, a dream concerning an of- fice pertains to emotional affairs rather than business matters. To dream of be- ing in your own office pre- dicts a probable change in your love life; to be wor- ried by office matters in- dicates domestic strife; a new or strange office is a sign of an important new friendship. Obviously, if you dreamed of an of- fice in which you actually work, the interpretation must be made by refer- ence to the action only (not the place).
[5]A familiar office: Safety and security, as much emotional security as job or financial security.
A strange office full of strange people: If the dreamer feels comfortable, new friends are in his immediate future.
If the dreamer feels lost and out of place, then he should take a good long look at his current circumstances - work, love, friendships - and see if they are serving him. Astrological parallel: Taurus Tarot parallel: The suit of pentacles
[6]To dream of your work office suggests difficulty in leaving your work. This may represent the possibility of being preoccupied with work and having too much office work to accomplish. It may also stand for your position, achievements, and status in society.
A dream about holding public office indicates that your desires may direct you to a perilous course, but your bravery will be rewarded with victory.
[7]Dreams of an office are usually processing dreams about organizing the data that you have accumulated during your nine to five experience. This dream can also represent work, efficiency, industriousness, productivity, diligence, and a dedication to your work. You also may be processing or venting out your hostility and frustrations about your job.
See Also: Processing Dreams.
[8]Dreams about one’s place of work may simply indicate that one can’t leave work at the office, has too much to do, or too much on one’s mind. An office is often a symbol of authority and of one’s professional esteem and position in the world. Other kinds of meanings are indicated by the nature of a particular office (e.g., the welfare office, a lawyer’s office).
[9]For a person to dream that he holds office, denotes that his aspirations will sometimes make him undertake dangerous paths, but his boldness will be rewarded with success.
If he fails by any means to secure a desired office he will suffer keen disappointment in his affairs.
To dream that you are turned out of office, signifies loss of valuables.
[10]To dream of being at an office, indicates that you are overwhelmed by work or homework pressures. You have too much on your mind. Alternatively, this dream may symbolize your status, accomplishments and your place in the world.
[11]Professional activity, work, feeling of comradeship. One’s own office points to your working habits; somebody else’s office may refer to the fact that you are looking to others for guidance in your work.
[12]To dream that you are working in an office indicates a need for closer attention to money matters.
To hold an office, by election, foretells high aspirations and many problems.
[13]To dream that you have lost your situation, or that your landlord has turned you out of your Office, is a warning of trouble in your love affairs, or married life.
[14]To dream that one is deposed and put out of his office, estate, place or dignity, is ill to the dreamer; and if he be sick, it shows he shall quickly die.
[15]If you dream that you are turned out of the office it means that you will die or lose all property. This is a very bad dream for all people.
[16]To be deposed from office is a dream auguring ill, and if the dreamer be sick it presages death (Artemidorus).
[17]1. Worried about what is going on at work.
2. Proud of one’s achievements at work.
[18]Feelings about or relationship with work, feelings about authority.
[19]Symbolic of earthly or spiritual authority, 1 Chron. 9:22
[20]Wherever business is officiated
[21]Daily work life, productivity.
[22]Daily Activities.
[23]To dream von are turned out of yonr office foretells death and loss of property. If yon are in love, it indicates want of affection in your sweetheart, and misery if you marry the present object of your affection.
[24]lucky numbers: 09-14-21-23-37-44
coworkers in an: each one represents a specific problem to you.
getting a new, appointment: unhappiness in married life.
having an: honesty wil bring you prosperity and the ability to leave your work at the office.
collecting agency, a: wil be a financial disaster unless you join the col ectors.
job in a newspaper: unfavorable news unless you write your own gossip.
holding a government: wil suffer humiliation at the scope and humbleness of your service.
landlord putting you out of your: professional esteem doesn’t pay the rent.
losing your: your resources include you; your assets are in your mind.
opening an: wil be insulted if you do not have enough work to keep you late.
working in an: guard your healthful environment.
[25](Employment) In a dream, an office means attaining a leadership position, or it could mean degradation, contemptible position, parsimony, living under tight circumstances, poverty, worrying about one’s children and fear for one’s future.