An old man in a dream usually represents wisdom, and sometimes forgiveness.
The old man may be either a specific person or a generic aged one who, regardless of his race or color, is usually adorned with white hair and a full beard. An old man can also stand for a deteriorating person whose only power lies in the memory of a journey that has already taken place. Whether the old man exhibits stamina or lacks physical strength also affects the dream’s interpretation.
[1]An old man in a dream represents forgiveness for past mistakes. This dream can also mean that the dreamer has completed a long emotional journey.
[2]For a woman to dream that she is being courted by an Old Man is a fortunate omen; her lover will prove faithful and all that she can desire.
[3]See Also: People Metaphors.
[4]For a woman to dream she is courted by an old man, is a sure prognostic that she will receive a sum of money and be successful in her undertakings. For a maid to dream of it, shows that she will marry a rich young fellow, and have many children by him, who will all become rich.
[5]If an old man is seen speaking to him or giving him something, it means he will succeed in whatever he is pursuing.
If the old man is of a pleasant personality and good looks, it means his pursuit is of a favourable nature. Otherwise, it is of an unfavourable nature.
[6](See Also: Elderly person)