Vision: Smoking opium: your ideas about life are quite unrealistic; such self-deception has dangerous consequences. Watching others smoke opium: you are hanging out with dubious, reckless characters. Walking into an opium den: you will become involved in a very risk)’ project or adventure.
Depth Psychology: The use of opium always indicates a “flight from reality.” Or it might be that you’re trying to hide your mistakes and weaknesses behind unrealistic ideals. Neither possibility will get you very far; they will only weaken your character.
See Also: Smoking.
[1]Any dream featuring this addictive fruit of the poppy is a warning against even a casual association with people of unsavory habits. Although judging a person by the company he keeps may be considered square, it is nevertheless widely practiced.
[2]To dream of opium, signifies strangers will obstruct your chances of improving your fortune, by sly and seductive means.
[3]1. Recognition of bad habits blocking the way to progress and success.
2. Need to escape from problems and reality.
[4]You are likely to get into shameful difficulties with a member of the opposite sex if you dream of smoking opium.
[5]Worries, bad news from the sea or serious illness of someone dear to you is portended by this dream.
[6]See “drugs”
[7]lucky numbers: 10-11-17-21-32-38
encouraging friends to take: worries ahead causing setback with partner.
of: are negligent in your affairs as thoughts are confused and lead nowhere.
prescribing: wil suffer humiliation through another’s underhanded methods.
selling: are ignoring responsibilities that you are not wil ing to take.
smoking in an, den: are deluding yourself that you have the right to decadence.
smuggler, being an: wealth but inability to openly spend it.
taking: social disgrace through your association with criminals.
with others: changes toward loose morals and jovial inconstancy wil occur.
[8](See Also: Intoxicants)