Organizing things (such as into categories, stacks, containers, or folders) can represent: Control or organization.
A logical mental process.
Trying to make sense of or understand something.
Prejudging or labelling people or things.
Breaking down an idea or situation to make it more manageable in your mind.
Putting things away or trying to get rid of things, literally or figuratively (such as possessions, outdated beliefs, or memories).
Feeling disorganized or needing to organize your thoughts, your life, or a certain aspect of your life.
See Also: Container, Folder, List, Group
[1](See Also: Filing Cabinet)
Integrating or ordering recent experiences.
A fastidious personality expressing itself through your dream.
Exactly what’s being put in order in the dream may hold tremendous import.
For example, if detailing a pantry, this might be a situational dream (being hungry) or
it might reveal a latent fear of going hungry. On the other hand, organizing a closet speaks of different life roles and which ones are most important (See Also: Clothes).
[2]A dream about organizing predicts new opportunities.