Attending to a crisis, or a perceived need to do so.
Receiving treatment from a paramedic can represent: a desire for help with a problem in your life (physical or otherwise), a situation that urgently needs attention that could become urgent if not addressed, a subconscious fear of something going wrong or a crisis developing.
Being a paramedic (when you aren’t in real life) can represent: helping with a real-life crisis or problem, a desire to help others, a tendency toward rescuing others or even codependency.
See Also: Hospital, Doctor, Help, Calling for, Emergency Room, Firefighting, Rescued, Being
[1]A dream about a paramedic - whether the paramedic was you or someone else - is a positive omen that forecasts an improvement in all areas of your life.
[2]1. Healer /Christ;
2. Ministering angels; Mark 2:3-11.
[3]Symbolic of help in a time of emergency
[4]See “doctor”