1- A picture in a dream is usually an illustration of something which is part of our lives. It will depend on whether it is painted, or a print of another picture, as to the interpretation.
For instance, in a dream, a picture that we have painted might have more emotional impact than an Old Master (An Old Master can also suggest our attitude to the past).
2- The condition of the picture may be important, as may also the colours in the picture (See Also: Colours).
The subject matter may give us suggestions as to what we should be ‘looking at’ in our lives.
3- A picture is an icon, or alternatively a representation of spiritual significance.
[1]1. A measure of happiness in intimate relationships (note the contents of the picture).
2. A distorted recollection (to see a faded, blurry or otherwise damaged picture).
3. Overall view or perception of life or a situation or circumstance (as in “to get the big picture”).
4. Small changes in the offing.
[2]1. Past experience;
2. Cannot be altered;
3. Imagination;
4. A message within itself;
5. Unusual Picture Frame speaks of an attitude;
6. Picture taken with an important person speaks of honour and promotion;
7. Old or Antique or old Frame speaks Of time (as in “memories from the past”). Num 33:52; Heb 9:14; Ez. 23:40.
[3]Material aspects: A picture in a dream is usually an illustration of something that is important to us at that time.
If the picture is framed we may assume there is a degree of protection.
The interpretation will depend on whether the picture is painted, a print of another picture, or perhaps a photograph.
[4]Psychological / emotional perspective: The condition of the picture may be important, as may also the colours.
A torn picture suggests that what is depicted has been damaged.
The subject matter may give us suggestions as to what we should be ‘looking at’ in our lives more objectively.
[5]Dreaming that you paint or contemplate a picture highlights your need to escape from reality. Not surprisingly, a picture symbolizes the imagination. Therefore, its appearance and beauty reveal the way you are.
[6]A picture may represent thoughts or ideas; or may be a way of getting you to focus your attention on something (i.e. whatever the content of the picture symbolizes).
[7]A picture can be a visual depiction of a person or object, an icon – in itself a sacred object – or a representation of spiritual significance.
[8]Portrait. Not the real thing! Being either egocentric or self-reflecting. Search for a relevant world- view or your true self.
[9]To see a picture of someone in a dream is a way to subconsciously bring attention to the person or image within that picture
[10]A scene of life, a memory of substance; see “photo”
[11]See Also: Photograph.
[12]Seeing one’s picture on a wall in a dream means one’s death and that his name will be itched on a gravestone.
(See Also: Paintings)