Dreaming about this animal in your dream forces you to consider the negative characteristics of yourself or others. There are not many positive characteristics associated with pigs. In some cultures pigs are considered to be very “dirty” and unfit for human consumption. At times, men are referred to as “pigs” for their sexual desires or attitudes. Pigs are also associated with other negative characteristics: greed, stubbornness, and gluttony. Are you (or someone important to you) being “hoggish” with money, time, food, energy, or personal possessions? Superstition-based dream interpretations say that the pig in a dream may suggest a frustrating time in family affairs but success in business. In some cultures the pig is a symbol of prosperity because the families owning one are assured of food for an entire year. As a dream symbol it represents “korist,” which is loosely translated to mean a valuable possession or event. Also See: Animals
[1]Symbol: The domestic pig is a symbol of fertility, the wild pig of the demonic.
Vision: Seeing a pig: good luck in everything you do—including playing the lottery. Feeding pigs: good luck and success. Fating pork: being more restrained in certain matters could translate into monetary success. Looking at a pig pen: you are in unsavory company and should walk away quickly.
Depth Psychology: The pig is usually a sign of what you think of yourself (“I acted like a pig”) or others (“that person is a pig”).
It is a sign of a very materialistic attitude and greed. However, it could also reflect the “good luck” you had recently in a very tricky situation, and the dream is promising more of the same.
[2]The pig is taken in western belief to indicate ignorance, stupidity, selfishness and gluttony. We may be beginning to recognize these unattractive qualities in ourselves; without such recognition there can be no transformation or mastery of them. Ultimately, however, it is the qualities of intelligence and cunning that prevail.
If we dream of pigs and jewels together it shows there is a conflict between the lower, basic urges and higher spiritual values. Perhaps there is a failure to appreciate spiritual values. Big litters of piglets can represent fruitfulness, although sometimes without result, since the sow can depict the destructive mother. Consult the information on archetypes in the introduction for further clarification.
[3]It is a symbol of impure desires, passions, dirt, ignorance, stubbornness, gluttony, and rudeness. It can also have lewd sexual connotations.
If a muddy pig appears in the dream it means that you get carried away by your most primary instincts. Conversely, if the pig is clean, it can be interpreted as a symbol of pragmatism and utility, since, as it is well known, all parts of this animal are used for human consumption.
Pigs have been, for a long time, the main theme of disadvantageous superstitions. For example, among the fishermen it is believed that if someone utters the word “pig,” before fishing begins, it means fisheries will be of low quality. However, in dreams they portend good news or a fluke.
[4]See Also: Greed. Sexuality demanding to he set free, but also rejection of physical sexuality. Symbol of luck, natural sexuality, intellectual power. Fertility. According to Moses and the Koran, pork is considered a forbidden food.
It is the symbol of something low and primitive— “casting pearls before swine”—laziness, wallowing in dirt; but also comfort.
According to Freud, a sexual symbol (in the Odyssey, Circe transforms men into swine; she frees their animal side in order to bind them to her).
In the East, a symbol of the unconscious.
[5]Dreaming of a pig may symbolize dirtiness, greediness, or selfishness. For example, someone who overindulges in food is said to eat “like a pig,” and a dirty or slovenly person is sometimes disparagingly called a”pig.” Alternatively, the pig may represent feasting and opulence, as in banquets where the roasted pig with an apple in its mouth is the adorned centerpiece on the table. In Chinese astrology, the pig is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and symbolizes manly strength.
[6]A feeling of freedom from rules.
Not worrying what others think.
Nourishment (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual).
Dreaming of this animal can represent too much or not enough of one of those qualities, or someone or something you associate with the quality or animal.
Consider also the animal’s actions, context, and your feelings about it.
[7]Dreams of a pig signify that you’ve been greedy, selfish, slothful and are realizing your seemingly insatiable appetite for love, success, attention, or food. Perhaps you’ve been taking too much credit or taking more than your share. Your dream may be giving you the message that the only way you will ever be satiated is if you give yourself the love you have been craving.
[8]Figuratively, someone who is always “hamming it up.”
Among the Celts, an emblem of success and overcoming the odds. Pig was the favored food for Celtic victory feasts (See Also: Eating, Meat).
Norse: Rebirth, honor, and new beginnings. In Valhalla, Valkyries feast on a reborn sow.
[9]To dream of a fat, healthy pig, denotes reasonable success in affairs.
If they are wallowing in mire, you will have hurtful associates, and your engagements will be subject to reproach. This dream will bring to a young woman a jealous and greedy companion though the chances are that he will be wealthy.
See Also: Hog.
[10]Physical appetites; life directed only by physical needs, sensuality.
The sow represents giving of oneself and sustenance; lack of spiritual directive. Idioms: pig in a poke; happy as a pig in shit; make a pig of oneself; pig in the middle, pigs might fly; pig headed.
[11]1. A general gauge of prosperity (note condition of pig).
2. Avarice, greed and overindulgence.
3. Uncouth behavior, inappropriate sexual attitudes and behaviors and uncleanliness.
4. Intelligence, things sacred and ancient wisdom.
[12]Pigs themselves are actually quite smart and relatively clean animals. However, the media and literature have made the pig synonymous with gluttony and avarice. Your dream may be reflecting overindulgence in some area of your life.
[13]Dream pigs symbolize strength and confidence.
To dream of being a pig is an extremely lucky omen meaning long life and vitality. Also see “Pig Sty”.
[14]A dream both good and bad, false friends, but a faithful lover (Gypsy). Chinese lucky symbol, but regarded as an emblem of greediness.
[15]You or someone else is not sharing, being hoggish, whether with time, energy, money, or whatever. Hogging the credit which belongs to another.
[16]To dream of a pig stands for filthiness, greediness, stubbornness, or selfishness.
The pig may also stand for richness and overindulgence.
[17]You are assured of success. This is a good time for investing. Whatever you turn your hand to will prosper.
[18]Symbolic of ungrateful people, mockers, and scoffers, Matt 7:6
[19]Spiritually unclean; a reprobate
[20]See Also: Animals metaphors
[21](Swine) In a dream, a pig represents someone who is devoid of human dignity, or someone who lacks integrity.
(See Also: Lizard, Transformation)