Pins, as such, in a dream signify petty annoyances such as family squabbles, hurt pride, or minor disappointments; to dream of actually hearing the proverbial pin drop is a prophecy of contentment; sitting on a pin predicts a happy surprise; pinning up an article of clothing (Le., ladies’ dresses or mens’ slacks) forecasts a coming social embarrassment; to dream of swallowing a pin suggests that careless planning will lead you into an unpleasant situation, but a lucky circumstance will get you out; pricking yourself or being pricked by a pin (unless you sat on it) signifies that you will have to help cope with someone else’s problems; finding a pin is a sign of general good luck in all your current interests.
See Also: under Jewelry.
[1]1- It depends whether the pin is holding something together or is being used to pierce us, or an object, in our dreams.
If it is holding something together it indicates the emotional connections or bonds we use.
If it is piercing an object a trauma is suggested, although it may be quite small.
2- Occasionally in a dream we are reminded of a feeling we have in everyday life.
To experience a feeling of pins and needles in our dream suggests that we are not ensuring an adequate How of energy in a situation around us.
3- We may not be able to solve a spiritual difficulty immediately.
A temporary solution may be necessary and this can be symbolised by the use of a pin.
[2]A pin might have several meanings. Pins are small tools that help us sew something together, so perhaps we are dreaming about knitting something together. Pins can also hold a notice to a bulletin board, so perhaps the dream is trying to call our attention to something. We sometimes talk about “pinning blame” or “pinning on hopes” on someone. We can also “pin something down” or “walk on pins and needles.”
[3]Small ideas, actions or information which, connected, help create something or hold things together, one’s connection or emotional bond with things.
If stuck in: irritation or hurts; irritating or painful sexual intercourse. Idioms: for two pins; don’t care two pins; on pins and needles; pin back one’s ears; pin one’s hopes on; pin someone down; pin something on someone; pin money.
[4]Psychological / emotional perspective: Occasionally in a dream we are reminded of a feeling we have in everyday life.
To experience a feeling of pins and needles in our dream suggests that we are not ensuring an adequate flow of energy in a situation around us.
A pin (personal identification number) suggests the need for a sense of security and recognition.
[5]To dream that you are pricked by a pin, symbolizes a sticky situation or irritating relationship. You may be feeling anxious or feeling the need to hold together a certain unstable relationship. Or, to see pins in your dream may also suggest a feeling of being trapped, as exemplified by the phrase “being pinned down”.
[6]Material aspects: It depends whether the pin is holding something together or is being used to pierce us, or an object, in our dreams.
If it is holding something together it indicates the emotional connections or bonds we use.
If it is piercing an object a trauma is suggested, although it may be quite small.
[7]Dreams of a pin symbolize that you are dealing with identifying your sharp edges and -criticism. You may be feeling cautious and awkward, as though you were walking on pins and needles.
See Also: Needle.
[8]Dreams of your personal identification number represent access to your heart and soul. Your PIN number is symbolic of your -image or your interior life. Password and/or Phone Number.
[9]We may not be able to solve a spiritual difficulty immediately.
A temporary solution may be necessary and this can be symbolized by the use of a pin.
[10]interpreted upon these sides: whoever sees that there’s a pin in his hand, then that indicates the acquiring of a child.
[11]Sharp words that hurt, unless a safety pin which uses tact
[12](Safety pin) In a dream, a pin represents miseries and wretchedness.
If the pin does not have a head in the dream, then it represents someone who offers invaluable services for a small compensation, or it could mean starting a married life with little furnishings. Apin in a dream also represents a renowned brother, or a companion who defends his friend.